The Approved Organizations and Authorities Loans (Government Guarantee) (Remission of Tax, Duty or Fee) (The National Road Operating and Constructing Company Limited) Order, 2002
organisations and authorities loans (government guarantee) act; and whereas it is necessary, in my opinion, in order to give effect to the terms and conditions upon and subject to which the issue is guaranteed, to provide for the remission of any stamp d
The Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre) Order, 2013
organisations, including the caribbean community (caricom), the united nations environment programme (unep), the caribbean environmental health institute (cehi), the caricom fisheries unit (cfu), the university of the west indies centre for environment an
The Revenue Appeals Division (Prescribed Forms) Regulations, 2015
organisation [ contact name i yo oo tt ] first name gf tapayer is an ) ) individual) surname (if taxpayer is an individual) ns ] address (apt. nu. street no. and name, postal zone and parish) telephone no. (mobile, landline and facsimile) e-mail addr
The Animal Diseases ( Important) Control ( Amendment) Regulations, 2017
organisation authorized laboratories for rabies antibody test) in accordance with one of the methods described in the oie manual of standards for diagnostic tests and vaccines, and found to have at least 0.5 iu/ml of antibody in its serum. if six months
The Animal Diseases ( Important) Control ( Amendment) Regulations, 2017
organisation authorized laboratories for rabies antibody test) in accordance with one of the methods described in the oie manual of standards for diagnostic tests and vaccines and found to have at least 0.5 iu/ml of antibody in its serum. 2.2.6. heartwor
The Caribbean Meteorological Organization Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
organisation the caribbean meteorological organisation act [ist february, 1980.) 1. this act may be cited as the caribbean meteoro- logical organisation act. 2?(1) in this act? ?agreement? means the agreement establishing the caribbean meteorological
The Caribbean Meteorological Organization Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
organisation schedule (sections 2 and 7) an agreement for the establishment of the caribbean meteorological organisation the governments of the contracting states recognising the need for the establishment of an efficient meteoro- logical service in t
The Caribbean Meteorological Organization Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
organisation (b) any other state of the region able and willing to exercise the rights and assume the obligations of membership and which is admitted as a member in accordance with article 29. article 3 objectives the organisation shall have as its obj
The Caribbean Meteorological Organization Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
organisation (¢) the caribbean meteorological foundation (hereinafter referred to as ?the foundation?); (d) the headquarters unit. article 7 establishment and membership of the council 1. the council is hereby established as the supreme organ of the o
The Caribbean Meteorological Organization Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
organisation 7. subject to the foregoing provisions of this agreement, the council shall regulate its own procedure. article 9 functions and powers 1. the council may issue directions of a general or special character as to the policy to be pursued by
The Caribbean Meteorological Organization Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
organisation the secretariat in relation to this agreement shall be the headquarters unit which shall be situated in trinidad and tobago unless the council otherwise determines. 2. the headquarters unit shall enjoy functional autonomy and shall comprise
The Caribbean Meteorological Organization Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
organisation 2. the institute shall provide facilities to member states for the repair and maintenance of meteorological equipment. it shall undertake the processing and dissemination of climatological data and shall provide advice to member states on re
The Caribbean Meteorological Organization Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
organisation of the expiration of the prescribed period and within thirty days follow- ing the expiration of that period appoint an arbitrator from the same list. 3. the secretary-general shall provide the arbitrator with such assistance and facilities
The Caribbean Meteorological Organization Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
organisation in witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorised there- to by their respective governments, have affixed their signatures to this agreement. done at basseterre, st. kitts-nevis-anguilla in a single copy which shall be deposited wit
The Carriage by Air (Montreal Convention) Act
organisations. for the purpose of this convention, a ?regional economic integration organisation® means any organisation which is constituted by sovereign states of a given region which has competence in respect of certain matters governed by this convent