The Land Surveyors (Amendment) Regulations, 2013
origin; easting: 750 000m scale factor at origin: 1.000.? dated this 8th day of november, 2013. trevor l. shaw chairman land surveyors board. approved: robert pickersgill minister of water, land, environment : and climate change.
The Marriage Act - Family
original registers, duplicate original registers and other entries of bigamous marriages. offences tampering with marriage registers. personation of marriage officer. false official certificates or attestations. tampering of marriage officers with certif
The Marriage Act - Family
original registers, duplicate original registers and other entries of bigamous marriages. tampering with marriage | registers. © 421969 3rd sch. personation of marriage officer. marriage such marriage officer specially to the director of public pros
The Plants (Quarantine) Act - Agriculture
origin (growr at?®).........vevviiniiiiiiiieeiinr iinet er ener ceases means of conveyance... .ceeiiiiiniierieniirreerstereeiiienerneiosnsasseseencnen point of entry in importing country..........c.ooceveveiniininiaeiiniiinien,. quantity and name of produ