parish general rate
The Parishes Water Supply Act - Local Government
parish general rate so far as may be necessary to make good any such deficiency, and the said rate is hereby made liable for the payment thereof, and for the payment of interest thereon at a rate not exceeding five per centum per annum, which shall be wri
The Public Cemetery Management and Regulation Act - Local Government
parish general rates. 11. all regulations and orders made by the minister pursuant to section 10 shall be published in the gazette. 12. the council on the application of any church or congregation within the parish made by a minister duly authorized to
The Public Cemetery Management and Regulation Act - Local Government
parish general rates of parish. 25. the minister may, upon application by the council, order that the whole or any part of the moneys required to be expended in the construction and maintenance of any works by this act authorized to be constructed, shall