parish library committee
The Jamaica Library Service Act - Education
parish library committees, . duties of parish library committees. . power of parish library committees to make rules. . composition of parish library committees. . duration of office of members of parish library committees. . exemption from import dut
The Jamaica Library Service Act - Education
parish library committee? means any committee estab- lished under section 14. 3.?(1) there is hereby established a body corporate to be known as the jamaica library board which shall have perpetual succession and a common seal and power to acquire land a
The Jamaica Library Service Act - Education
parish library committee or to any portion of such premises; (by for ensuring the maintenance of good order and discipline amongst members of the public at any time when upon any premises vested in or occupied by the board or by a parish library committe
The Jamaica Library Service Act - Education
parish library committee when attending meetings of such parish library committee shall be reimbursed from the funds of the committee. (3) a parish library committee may authorize the payment from the funds of the committee of travelling expenses actuall
The Jamaica Library Service Act - Education
parish library committees. 54/1953 s.2 (a). 54/1953 5.2 (b). duties of parish library committees. 2/1961 s. 2. jamaica library service request all such information as shall be within their know- ledge in relation to the operation of the board. (2)
The Jamaica Library Service Act - Education
parish library committees to make rules. 2191 s.2. composition of parish library committees. 2/191 s.2 2/1961 s.2 2/1961 5.2. 2/1961 82. duration of office of members of parish library committees, jamaica library service 16.?(1) each parish libra
The Jamaica Library Service Act - Education
parish library committee 211961 shall be deemed to have vacated his seat on the committee > if (a) he dies or becomes bankrupt; or (hb) there is passed by the parish library committee a resolution declaring that he has become incap- able by reason of men