parish library committees
The Jamaica Library Service Act - Education
parish library committees, . duties of parish library committees. . power of parish library committees to make rules. . composition of parish library committees. . duration of office of members of parish library committees. . exemption from import dut
The Jamaica Library Service Act - Education
parish library committees when attending meetings of the board. (5) a parish library committee may authorize the payment of subsistence allowance from the funds of the committee to any one member of their committee or to any one member of their staff, or
The Jamaica Library Service Act - Education
parish library committees. 54/1953 s.2 (a). 54/1953 5.2 (b). duties of parish library committees. 2/1961 s. 2. jamaica library service request all such information as shall be within their know- ledge in relation to the operation of the board. (2)
The Jamaica Library Service Act - Education
parish library committees to make rules. 2191 s.2. composition of parish library committees. 2/191 s.2 2/1961 s.2 2/1961 5.2. 2/1961 82. duration of office of members of parish library committees, jamaica library service 16.?(1) each parish libra