parish office
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) (Public Bodies) Order, 2014
parish office education taxes pwd westmoreland pa. ye. 21,216.18 153,087.19 174,303.37 parish office queen?s school, the edtax? 4,926,540.81 0.00 4,926,540.81 education taxes queen?s school, the pa.y.e. 4,474,385.91 74,439,046.17 78,913,432.08 rada-clare
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) (Public Bodies) Order, 2014
parish office education taxes rada-st. elizabeth ~~ edtax? 5,429.24 0.00 5,429.24 parish office education taxes rada-st. elizabeth pa.y.e. 47,493.37. 307,312.44 354,805.81 parish office rada-st. james edtax? 13,343.91 ?-9,347.98 3,995.93 parish office ed