peace officers
The Coroners Act - Courts and Judiciary
peace officers in the parish of form g (sections 22a (7)) warrant in the first instance whereas? (a) an inquest is to be held touching the death of c.d. late of , who died on the day of ; and (b) it has been made to appear to the undersigned, coroner for
The Housing Act - Real Estate
peace officers to take and give possession whereas (set forth the complaint) lerten ae resident magistrate for the parish of... do authorize and command you, on any day after... days from the date hereof (except on sunday, or any public holiday, to be
The Parole Act
peace officers in the said parish of . whereas the parole board on the ................ eerareecanaesasaaresen veesesennes tevokeqs (date of revocation/suspension) suspended parole in respect of the abovenamed parolee pursuant to section 9/10 of the parol