The Housing Scheme part of Curatoe Hill now called Mineral Heights Clarendon (Housing Area) Order, 2001
peart et a/ and being the lot numbered 1016. easterly, partly on lands contained in the certificate of title registered at volume 1274 folio 52 in the name of the minister of housing and being the lot numbered 1069. partly on lands contained in the certif
The Housing Scheme part of Naseberry Grove, St. Catherine (Housing Area) Order, 2002
peart, aubrey hanson and arabella brown or howsoever otherwise the same may be butted, bounded, known, distinglished or described. dated at half-way tree this 7th day of march, 2002. e. c. karl blythe, minister of water and housing. printed by jamai
Intrument of Delegation of Certain Funtions of the Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission
peart witness. and the seal of the betting, gaming and lotteries commission affixed hereto by: derek peart, executive director. no. 2/4/6 printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke street, kingston, jamaica
The Natural Resources Conservation (Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park) (User Fees) Regulations,2003.
peart, minister of land and environment. no. 701 the natural resources conservation authority act the natural resources (national parks) (amendment) regulations, 2003 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 38(1) (h) of the natu
The Natural Resources Conservation (Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park) (User Fees) Regulations,2003.
peart, minister of land and environment. no. 701 , the natural resources conservation authority act the natural resources conservation (marine parks) (amendment) regulations, 2003 in exercise of the powers conferred upon the minister by section 38 of t
The Natural Resources Conservation (Marine Parks) (Amendment) Regulations,2003.
peart, minister of land and environment. no. 701 the natural resources conservation authority act the natural resources conservation (marine parks) (amendment) regulations, 2003 in exercise of the powers conferred upon the minister by section 38 of the
The Wild Life (Shooting Season) Order,2003
peart, minister of land and environment. no. 79 the wild life protection act the wild life protection (hunters' licences) (amendment) regulations, 2003 in exercise of the power conferred on the natural conservation authority by section 14 of the wild l
The Wild Life Protection (Hunters' Licenses) (Amendment) Regulations, 2003
peart, minister of land and environment. no. 79 the wild life protection act the wild life protection (hunters' licences) (amendment) regulations, 2003 in exercise of the power conferred on the natural conservation authority by section 14 of the wild l