The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
pennata (except rhea pennata pennata which is included in the second schedule) tinamus solitarius spheniscus humboldti podilymbus gigas diomedea albatrus pelecanus crispus papasula abbotti fregata andrewsi animals birds ostriches rheas tinamou
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
pennis pipile jacutinga pipile pipile catreus wallichii grouses, guinea fowls, colinus virginianus ridgwayi partridges, pheasants, crossoptilon crossoptilon tragopans crossoptilon harmani crossoptilon mantchuricum lophophorus impejanus lophophorus l
The Plants ( Importation) Control ( Amendment) Regulations, 2005
pennis diaphania nitadalis dysmicoccus brevipes atta cephalotes fautinus cubae megastus grandalis colaspsis hypochlora nacoleia octasema hercinothris bicinctus castiomera humbolti thrips florum diaphorina citri trioza erytreae rhynchophorus palmarum (linn
The Endangered Species, Conservation and regulation of Trade) Act
pennis pipile jacutinga pipile pipile megapodiidae macrocephalon maleo megapodes, scrubfowl phasianidae catreus wallichii grouse, guineafowl, partridges, colinus virginianus ridgwayi. pheasants tragopan crossoptilon crossoptilon crossoptilon mantchuricum
The Natural Resources ( Hazardous Wastes) ( Control of Transboundary Movement) ( Changes of Name and Movement ) Regulation , 2009
penn cwm): exn 17. exporters - notlfier's { generators - producer's {7} declaration i cenity that the information 1s complete and correct to my best knowledge. ) abo canify that legally enforceablo written contrnctual obligations have been entered into
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Goshen, in the Parish of Saint Elizabeth) Order, 2014
penny watson interested in the survey who beverly haye were servad with notices. the dates between which the june .13, 2003 the names of thoxe who james gordon oppeared elther personally or fb.
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5 - Part of Heathfield, St. Elizabeth) Order, 2015
penn ac mre ground, g eol an d , ttl e limited c7 my y topcon gts 211d lg 3628 belmont ro make and no. of instrument. trimble re § 8077566 sion, ?? \ make and s.d. no, of tape used. n/a geqand tel: 908-0192 + dale of last lope check, result. n/a date
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation and Regulation of Trade) Act (Amendment of Schedules) Order, 2015
pennis pipile jacutinga pipile pipile macrocephalon maleo catreus wallichii colinus virginianus ridgwayi crossoptilon crossoptilon crossoptilon mantchuricum lophophorus impejanus lophophorus lhuysii lophophorus sclateri lophura edwardsi lophura imperia
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation and Regulation of Trade) Act (Amendment of Schedules) Order, 2015
pennata rheas (except pterocnemia pennata which is included in the second schedule) sphenisciformes spheniscidae spheniscus humboldti penguins strigiformes strigidae heteroglaux blewitti owls mimizuku gurneyi ninox natalis ninox novaeseelandiae undula
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification ( Special Provisions) ( Section 5- Part of Lluidas Vale In The Parish of Saint Catherine) Order, 2017
pennington parochial road. utilities 14. the provision of adequate domestic water supply shall be the responsibility of the individual lot owners. 15. the owners shall permit the erection of poles and guys to facilitate the extension of electricity and
The Endangered Species (Protection, etc. Act - Environment
pennata (except rhea pennata pennata which is included in the second schedule) rheas tinamus solitarius tinamous spheniscus humboldti penguins podilymbus gigas grebes procellariiformes diomedeidae pelecaniformes pelecanidae diomedea albatrus albat
The Endangered Species (Protection, etc. Act - Environment
pennis pipile jacutinga pipile pipile catreus wallichii grouses, guinea colinus virginianus ridgwayi ~~ fowls, partridges, crossoptilon crossoptilon ?pheasants, tragopans crossoptilon harmani crossoptilon mantchuricum lophophorus impejanus lophophorus
The Endangered Species (Protection, etc. Act - Environment
pennata pennata spheniscus demersus balaeniceps rex regulation of trade) animals musk deer deer, guemals, muntjacs, pudus antelopes, cattle, duikers, gazelles, goats, sheep, etc. birds rheas penguins shoebills, whales- headed : storks [the