The Civil Aviation Act
percent or more of the maxi- mum take-off mass of the aircraft, is added or removed subsequent to manufacture, unless the aircraft is weighed, and a mass and balance report is prepared and certified by an authorized person, subsequent to the installation
The Civil Aviation Act
percent of maximum take-off mass of the aircraft is added or removed, or a modification or configuration change results in a movement of the centre of gravity of less than 0.5 per cent, unless a new determination of the empty mass, and empty mass centre o
The Airports Authority (Landing and Passenger Service Fees) Regulations, 2002
percent of the landing charges that would apply for domestic arrivals, for the respective weight categories . 2. in respect of aeroplanes to which regulation 5(3) applies (no valid landing card), a fee calculated in accordance with the fees specitied in
The Banking (Capital Adequacy) Regulations, 2004
percent or such other percentage as the supervisor may specify by notice published in the gazette part v.? transitional, repeal 9. fach licensee shall meet the capital adequacy ratio prescribed by regulation 5 by the date of commencement of these regula
The Banking (Capital Adequacy) Regulations , 2004
percent or such other percentage as the supervisor may specify by notice published in the gazette part v.? transitional, repeal 9. fach licensee shall meet the capital adequacy ratio prescribed by regulation 5 by the date of commencement of these regula