The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Webbers, Manchester) Order, 2014
perea ren. vec 0 | 658.812 square the nome of the party ot whose maiverna j.* murray the nomes «f the parties instance the survey was made. the name of the property surveysd or of the property of which the part of webbers fond surveyed f
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Worksop, Clarendon) Order, 2014
perea may fen p.o. fy o lot 71 he vol. 992 .fol, 65 hn coro! clarke (octp) & may pen po. ey ' o ?4% ! 3s 2° ? lot 67 lei 8 & vol 992 fol 68 sin nor ksop / aifredo chambersfocco
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation and Regulation of Trade) Act (Amendment of Schedules) Order, 2015
perea marginata neophocaena phocaenoides phocoena sinus physeter macrocephalus platanista spp. berardius spp. hyperoodon spp. animals dolphins, porpoises, whales bowhead whales, right whales humpback whale, rorquals dolphins grey whale river dolp
The Water Resources Act
perea ttriestaarrebusbbsactittrestattanarin aes ur sentir tiasnerttt rte nan iibotirtsenn pastis ar ances erti atten atiinastniabes chaser intetasirangitit erent sten een .s avnssevay nes raaatreanasuretabaanrestsrben cep eter tar rtevropii iits tri irr
The Firearms Act
perea tserret anes ut rose besssstesense eerste iesessecncseitttstnnatittttantioustnotroe $80 1000000800c0s0t00t sntts i toaster atisnteserts esr enersavectrecinctaannpssert it rs ein psnioay 80050000080 0000080000000000rrr000cettoitr0ntnse sesrens 0