The Delegation of Functions (Public Service) (Specified Ministries and Departments) Order, 2000
permanent minister except the office of perma- secretary nent secretary and all officers except 2. removal, except retirement the permanent secretary on the following grounds? (2) in the public interest (b) on medical grounds (¢) premature retirement 3
The Jamaica Public Service (Amendment) Regulations, 2000
permanent minister except the office of perma- secretary nent secretary and all officers except 2. removal, except retirement the permanent secretary on the following grounds? (a) in the public interest (b) on medical grounds (c) premature retirement
The Customs (Prescribed Forms) (Amendment) Regulations. 2003.
permanent resident u countries visited on this trip prior to armval in jamaica ? arline flight no or vessel name lit number of pieces of luggage accompanied unaccompanied 11 i'ne primary purpose of this trip is business yes 12 1 am (we arc) bringing:
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
permaceae hyperbaena valida moraceae mulberry-fig dorstenia jamaicensis mpyrsinaceae ardisia brittonii ardisia byrsonimae wallenia erythrocarpa wallenia xylosteoides myrtaceae calyptranthes acutissima calyptranthes capitata calyptranthes discolor caly
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
perma urticaceae nettle pilea andersonii pilea clandestina pilea crenulata pilea impressa var. barbata pilea laurae pilea oblanceolata pilea ordinata pilea portlandiana pilea proctorii pilea rufa var. microstipula pilea rufescens pilea saxicola
The Standards Act (Notice under section 10 (1))
perma plastic emulsion paint which conforms with js 110: 1984 pamt: interior and exterior, emulsion type, flat and requirements as in the scheme of supervision. 11. to brandram-henderson (w.1.) limited, a renewal licence no. 17/87 to usc the standard mar
The Shipping (Fees) Regulations, 2005
permanent certificate of registry $250 safe manning document (smd) and 22. temporary radio licence $75 issue of smc/smd where appropriate 270 23. permanent radio licence $280 | 47. postage and handling (foreign students) 25 24. replacement certificate of
The Delegation of Functions (Public Service) (Specified Ministries) Order, 2006
permanent secretary and all officers except the permanent secretary all offices in the ministry of local government and environment except the office of permanent secretary and all officers except the permanent secretary . appointment schedule (paragr
The Civil Service Establishment ( General ) ( Amendment) Order, 2021
permanent salaries review board) no of offices office classification grade remarks 1 director, strategic support gmg seg 3 post [# 1821] of director . (gmg/seg 4) retitled and regraded with effect from february 1, 2011. 1 director 2 gmg seg 2 post [#
The Civil Service Establishment ( General ) ( Amendment) Order, 2021
permanent mission to united nations, new york, usa home based staff no of offices office classification grade remarks 1 mission accounts officer 1 fmg at 1 post [# 5003] of accounting technician 1 retitled with effect from april 1, 2011. 1 1 total -
The Civil Service Establishment ( General ) ( Amendment) Order, 2021
permanent salaries review board) ' 0 } | { 1 i no of ; offices office classification grade ?remarks f 1 executive secretary 1 ops ss 4 {post [# 1826] abolished with effect from hjuly 1, 2010. 1 . 1 total - strategic support unit (formerly permanent sala