The Endangered Species, Conservation and regulation of Trade) Act
pikenard welwitschiaceae welwitschia mirabilis #1 welwitschia zamiaceae zamiaceae spp. #1 cycads (except the species included in appendix i) zingiberaceae hedychium philippinense #1 ginger lily zygophyllaceae guaiacum spp. #2 lignum vitae 1. populati
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Dobsons Run, Manchester) Order, 2013
pike main road. 13. all gates and doors in or upon any fence or opening onto any road shall open inwards. utilities 14. the provision of adequate domestic water supply shall be the responsibility of the individual lot owners. 15. the owners shall perm
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Hillside, Saint Thomas) Order, 2013
pikes reiman vo 24 flt | anager of yalshs view estates lid, *campot an lk og . : 1 those who appeared: noone surveyed for], [vrota & terence nelson . : co surveyed on: |} joly 30,20 remarks: thoredy roti neo kid 27 (2¥ : a hoistrugent: wad to 293378 ri
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-off) (Spice Industries Limited) Order, 2015
pike industries limited) order, 2015 in exercise of the powers conferred on the minister by section 47a(4) of the tax collection act (hereinafter referred to as the ?act?), and of every other power hereunto enabling, the following order is hereby made:?
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-off) (Spice Industries Limited) Order, 2015
pike industries limited is written-off. dated this 13th day of may, 2015. peter d. phillips m.p., ph.d minister of finance and planning. no. 78d the tax collection act the tax collection (approved write-off) (jamaica flour mills foundation) order, 2015
The Education (Determination of Classification of Specified Schools) (Amendment) Order, 2015
pike all-age manchester pike primary first primary sept. 1, 2015 school 12043 plowden primary manchester plowden primary | first primary sept. 1, 2015 and infant and infant 12049 robins hall all- manchester robins hall first primary sept. 1, 2015 age prim
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation and Regulation of Trade) Act (Amendment of Schedules) Order, 2015
pikenard vitaceae cyphostemma elephantopus grapes cyphostemmua laza cyphostemma montagnacii welwitschiaceae hwehwitschia mirabilis no. 4 welwitschia zamiaceae zumiaceae spp. no. 4 cycads (except the species included in the first schedule) zingiberace
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification ( Special Provisions) ( Section 5- Part of Banbury In The Parish of Saint Catherine) Order, 2016
pike in stoke stoke roy fisher? linstead p.o. ~lle survey & m & ambrose grant plan or a division do linstead p.0. cked oh] $y? od ke colobosh banbury . . for direghor br survey so ww wo oo nw owe ci it 1 1 1 § i 1 1 1 } ot ° 5 scale = jem = 10 metres rf.
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Pemberton Valley in the parish of St. Mary) Order, No. 0488/2020
pike g marea rowe?dowidng nrcid: rows?howldins: ?haoiten: modhtaly fa iy mauintalft, phe 5 q . bem ¥ tre. ] | dag ast 1. | heitor routan pic) car i @ > esk gerdd dunads © bole | oge,bydfey duntog, 5 (a ) hamilton, mounta
The Petroleum (Quality Control) Act
pikes whole naptha kerosene spike gas oil spike butane spike crude oil recon the petroleum (quality control) regulations, 1990 29