postal zone
The Revenue Administration (Taxpayer Registration) (Amendment) Regulations, 2002
postal zone, parish)! 13(a) e-mail address » 13(b) mailing address f different from home address) code code | | 14. mother's name (maiden, first, middle) 15, name of applicant's spouse (last, first, middle) 16. (a) nis number: 17. please provide one (1) o
The Revenue Administration (Taxpayer Registration) (Amendment) Regulations, 2002
postal zone, 21(c) business mailing address (if different from business address), parish) code code | 21(d) e-mail address 22. date business acquired/ started/to start year month day lol 23. if acquired, state the previous - 24, date first em
The Income Tax (Prescribed Forms) (Amendment) Order, 2002
postal zone and parish) ) signature date to be detached and voucher sent to collector of taxes with payment come estimated tax year of assessment [type of return voucher 3 ito7 payment voucher i orien | (due on or before | | oindividual [j organization 15
The Income Tax (Prescribed Forms) (Amendment) Order, 2006
postal zone, parish) ll ll f=] ff 4. month of remittance year month ll 5.tick, if applicable: 0 new address [] revised remittance 6. e-mail address for official use only 7. total emoluments 8. net tax payable 9. amount being pa
The Income Tax (Prescribed Forms) Order, 2008
postal zone, parish) 3b. mailing address (if different from 3a) |4. tick appropriate box [c] new address [t] revised return total number of employees during the returnyear . . . . . . ................. 5 = total number of tax deduction cards maintained
The Road Traffic ( Amendment ) Regulation, 2009
postal zone, parish) 6. date of birth year 7. place and of birth 8. nationality od mate [j] female 11. 12. collectorate of first issue 14. type(s) of vehicle(s) licensed to drive section c - declara 16. | declare that all the particulars stated ab
The Income Tax ( Amalgamated Payroll Remittance) Regulation, 2010
postal zone and parish) | please read notes and instructions overloat before completing this remittance section a - general information 2. taxpayer regi on number. 1. employer's name: ea >. lee. 4. month of remittance: yasr month i > 3. ni§ referen
The Income Tax ( Approved Forms) ( Amendment) Order, 2011
postal zone, parish). 3b. business malling address (if different from 3a.) 4. trade name 5. ?occupation 6. tick appropriate box: a new address il revised retum section b - summary of inconie gross recelpts/sales/income . . . . . . .. .. loe ee 7 costofsal
The Income Tax ( Approved Forms) ( Amendment) Order, 2011
postal zone and parish) signature date meee e to be detached and voucher sent to collector of taxes with payment mma meee estimated tax year of assessment type of return voucher 3 1to7! " oot (due on or before payment voucher co [individual [lorganization
The Income Tax ( Prescribed Forms) ( Amendment) Order,20111
postal zone, parish). 3b. business malling address (if different from 3a.) 4. trade name 5. ?occupation 6. tick appropriate box: a new address il revised retum section b - summary of inconie gross recelpts/sales/income . . . . . . .. .. loe ee 7 costofsal
The Income Tax ( Prescribed Forms) ( Amendment) Order,20111
postal zone and parish) signature date meee e to be detached and voucher sent to collector of taxes with payment mma meee estimated tax year of assessment type of return voucher 3 1to7! " oot (due on or before payment voucher co [individual [lorganization
The Income Tax (Prescribed Forms) Amendment) Order, 2013
postal zone, parish} 4, trade name 3b. business mailing address i f diferent from 3a. ) coo 5. occupation . 6. tick appropriate box: ) _ new address __ revised return section b - summary of income gross receipts/sales/income . . . ... ...... 0... 7 co
The Income Tax (Prescribed Forms) Amendment) Order, 2013
postal zone and parish) | 4. business mailing address (if different from 3) 5a. type of organization(tick appropriate box) 5b. is institution regulated by] 6. tick appropriate box: fsc, our, boj or mofp? [j building society (as) [7] trust estate {1 partne