The Fertilizers and Feeding Stuffs Act - Agriculture
potash, soluble phosphoric part 1 of the second schedule amounts (if any) of the follow- with any other such article or ing materials? articles or with any other sub- (@} leather, hoof, horn, hair, stance. wool-waste; (b) peat, soil, sand, com- post; (¢
The Fertilizers and Feeding Stuffs Act - Agriculture
potash. nitrate of soda. nitrate of soda-potash. nitro-chalk. qil seed fertilizers, including castor meal, mowrah meal, rape meal; or any residue which is obtained by the removal of oil. phosphate of ammonia. potassium salts used as fertilizers, incl
The Fertilizers and Feeding Stuffs Act - Agriculture
potash. nitrate of ammonia. nitrate of lime. nitrate of potash. nitrate of soda. nitro-chalk, phosphate of ammonia. phosphatic cave manure. precipitated bone. quicklime, ground or otherwise. raw phosphate or phosphate rock, ground or otherwise.
The Fertilizers and Feeding Stuffs Act - Agriculture
potash. superphosphate. implied definition ammonium sulphate for fertiliz- ing purposes. potassium sulphate for fertiliz- ing purposes. a mineral substance containing water soluble phosphate of lime. b.?organic fertilizers name under which artic
The Minerals (Vesting) Act - Mining
potash, quartz crystals, salt, slate, soda, sulphur, talc and all other substances of a similar nature to any of them; (d) precious minerals, including? (i) precious stones and semi-precious stones including amber, amethyst, beryl, cat?s eye, chrysolite
The Precursor Chemicals Act - Health and Safety
potash caustic soda disodium sulfate potash soda ash, washing soda n-hexane methylbenzene o0?xylenes, m- xylenes, p-xylenes dichloro-methane sulfuric ether, ethyl oxide, diethyl ether propane butanone isopropilacetone acetic ether, acetic acid, et