power of attorney
20 of 2014 - The Power of Faith (Incorporation and Vesting) Act
power of attorney and to revoke any such appointment; and (e) tomake such rules and by-laws as they shall think fit in order to carry out the purpose of this act. 6. nothing in this act shall prejudice or affect the rights of her saving. majesty the que
The Registration of Titles Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarificatio
power of attorney on jodgment of an attested copy of a power of attorney and noting the original and copy on lodging an application for cancellation of a lost certificate of title ... for a search certificate for every certificate of title mentioned th
The Timeshare Vacations Act
power of attorney [attorney p, iby _ name of registered proprietor by ? name of attorney signature and name of attorney signature under the power of attorney no. in the presence of: witness please state calling of witness. ij nol a ju
The Timeshare Vacations Act
power of attorney uttorney e 3 by name of registered proprietor by name of attorney signature and name of attomey signature utider the power of attorriey no, in the presence of: please state calling of wit 1 not a justice of the peace or witness tiorney-a