power of court
The Administrator-General's Act - Trusts and Estates
power of court in making orders. power of court to make general orders under this act. change of administrator-general and vesting of estates, and continuing of proceedings thereon. administering by the court of estates, etc., vested in him. [the i
The Administrator-General's Act - Trusts and Estates
power of court in making orders. power of court to make general orders under this act. 11/2015 s. 14. administrator-general improperly to act, or to omit to act, with respect to any of the matters aforesaid, any person interested in such estate, trust,
The Children (Guardian and Custody) Act - Children
power of court to remove guardian. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 17a. 18. 19. 20. disputes between joint guardians. [repealed by act 11 of 1991.] in case of separation deed between father and mother. power of court as to production of child. powe
The Domestic Violence Act - Family
power of court to grant protection order or occupation order. protection orders application for protection order. breach of protection order. duration and discharge of protection order. occupation orders application for a grant of occupation order. e
The Domestic Violence Act - Family
power of court to make ancillary order. domestic violence 9. where an occupation order is made the prescribed person to whom it relates shall be entitled, to the exclusion of the respondent, personally to occupy the household residence to which that ord
The Evidence Act - Courts and Judiciary
power of court to impound documents, penalty for false certificate wilfully certifying false certificate. power to administer oaths power to administer oath. part |b. hearsay evidence admissibility of certain evidence formerly admissible at common law,
The Evidence Act - Courts and Judiciary
power of court to exclude evidence, part 1c. evidence of child witnesses competence and corroboration interpretation. competence of child witness to give evidence. determination of competence. evidence of child to be given without administering oath. co
The Matrimonial Causes Act - Family
power of court to make certain financial provisions powers of court to make provision for spouse. [deleted by act 30 of 2005, s. 28(1)(a).] supplementary provisions as to maintenance, settlement of property, etc. dispositions and orders pending and afte
The Matrimonial Causes Act - Family
power of court to make provision for spouse, 30/2005 s.28(1) matrimonial causes decree nisi and decree absolute 16. a decree of dissolution or nullity of marriage under this act shall, in the first instance, be a decree nisi. 17.?(1) a decree of disso
The Partition Act - Real Estate
power of court to direct sale instead of division. sale on application of parties interested to the extent of ome moiety. as to purchase of share of party desiring sale. as to request for sale or undertaking to purchase on behalf of persons under disab
The Property (Rights of Spouse) Act - Real Estate
power of court to vary equal share rule. transactions to defeat interest in family home. transfer of interest in family home exempt from transfer tax. part ill. property agreements agreements in respect of property. orders regarding property rights co