powers of board
The Banana Board Act - Agriculture
powers of board functions of board. general powers of board. borrowing powers. power of minister responsible for finance to guarantee borrowings by the board. repayment of sums issued to meet guarantees, and of advances. remuneration of members. appointm
The Banana Board Act - Agriculture
powers of board 11. apart from any functions of the board under the banana insurance act, it shall be their duty? {(@) to promote the interests and efficiency of the s banana industry of this island and to assist in the development of that industry; (
The Coffee Industry Regulation Act - Agriculture
powers of board in relation to property. special powers of board. . regulation making section. . minister may issue general directions in matters of policy. . appeals. cess. . fees. . accounts and audit. . annual report and estimates. . membership
The Coffee Industry Regulation Act - Agriculture
powers of board in relation to property. coffee industry regulation 4. the board shall? (@) do all such acts as may lawfully be done, or but (b) for the provisions of this act might lawfully have been done, by any individual which the board having due
The Tourist Board Act - Tourism
powers of board duty and functions of board. general powers of board. 12a. borrowing powers. 12. guarantee by minister of borrowings by board and repayment 13, 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. of sums issued to meer guarantee. remuneration of members. officers, ag
The Tourist Board Act - Tourism
powers of board 11.?(1) it shall be the duty of the board, within the limits of their resources? (a) to develop all aspects of the tourist industry of jamaica and to promote its efficiency; (hb) to adopt all such measures as they may deem fit to adver