The Pensions (Public Service) Regulations, 2018, Resolution
protectorate bermuda british guiana british honduras british solomon islands protectorate « cayman islands cyprus dominica falkland islands federated malay states federation of nigeria federation of malaya federation of rhodesia and nyasaland fiji gambia
The Pensions (Teachers) Act - Social Security
protectorate bermuda british guiana british honduras british solomon islands protectorate cayman islands cyprus dominion falkland islands federated malay states ln. federation of malaya 140/1955. l.n. federation of nigeria 140/1955. federation of rhod
The Consular Fees Act
protectorate, protected state or trust territory for the issue or renewal of a passport or other travel document or document of identity or for the grant of a visa or entry permit ... wills, searches and estates drawing a will for any person not a scama