public bodies human resources
The Public Bodies Management and Accountability Act
public bodies human resources committee. part iv. general 21. restriction on formation of new companies. 21a. new company formed by public body not part of specified public sector. 22. contents of annual reports. 23. other reports by public bodies. 23
The Public Bodies Management and Accountability Act
public bodies human resources committee. 3/2015 s. 18. third schedule. restriction on forma- tion of new companies. 3/2015 s. 19. public bodies management and accountability (2) subsection (1) does not apply in the case of a public body that is not
The Public Bodies Management and Accountability Act
public bodies human resources commitiee 1. the minister shall determine the number of members of the public bodies human resources committee. 2. the members of the human resources committee shall be persons who are, in the opinion, of the minister, repr
The Public Bodies Management and Accountability Act
public bodies human resources committee, contd. 6. the minister may, at any time, revoke the appointment of a person as member of the human resources committee or as chairperson or vice- chairperson. 7. subject to the provisions of this act, the human r
3 of 2015 - The Public Bodies Management and Accountability Bill Act
public bodies human resources a resources? committee (hereinafter called the ?human resources ay " committee?) to perform the functions set out in subsection (3) with respect to public bodies that are ch not part of the specified public: sector. third l
3 of 2015 - The Public Bodies Management and Accountability Bill Act
public bodies human resources committee 1.- the minister shall determine the number of members of the public bodies human resources committee. +. 2. the members of the human resources committee shall be persons who are, in the opinion, of the minister,