public records
The Record Office Act - Courts and Judiciary
public records records of island secretary?s office. records of superior courts. and wills. custody of other records. removal of records. not to affect validity of records removed. validation of certain records. power to make transcripts of any old
The Record Office Act - Courts and Judiciary
public records? includes all rolls, writs, books, proceed- ings, statutes, decrees, wills, warrants, accounts, papers and documents of any kinds of a public nature, deposited in any of the offices in this act mentioned; ?registered deeds and writings? i
The Record Office Act - Courts and Judiciary
public records, and of registered deeds and writings of this island, and shall have the official title of keeper of the records. 4. the governor-general shall from time to time appoint, and may remove, a fit person duly qualified by his know- ledge of la
The Record Office Act - Courts and Judiciary
public records which by authority of law are placed under the charge of the keeper of the records are deposited shall be deemed, so long as such records remain therein, to be a branch of the record office. 11. the keeper of the records shall cause to be
The Record Office Act - Courts and Judiciary
public records 13. all public records, and all registered deeds and writings, and all registers and indices which at the time of the commencement of this act are or ought to be in the office of the island secretary and which after the commencement of thi
The Record Office Act - Courts and Judiciary
public records deposited in any particular place or custody shall be, and thereupon such public records shall be under the charge and superintendence of the keeper of the records. the provisions of this act shall apply in relation to such records and the
The Record Office Act - Courts and Judiciary
public records, and the registers and the indices in the office, and to take abstracts or other short notes of any matters in the same, and to inspect in the presence of some person belonging to the office any original registered deed or writing to which