The Banana Board Act - Agriculture
publica- tion of member- ship of board. incorpora- tion.
The Burial Within Towns' Limits Act
publica- tion of orders, ete. burials in contra- vention of order and without special permission, misde- meanour. punish- ment. penalties, how enforceable. remedies for nuisances not affected. burial within towns limits 13. every such order, and eve
The Jamaica Cultural Development Commission Act - Culture and Heritage
publica- tion of membe ship. i= incorpora- tion.
The Obscene Publications (Suppression of) Act - Media and Information
publications (suppression of) the obscene publications (suppression of) act (17th march, 1927.) cap. 267. 1. this act may be cited as the obscene publications short tite. (suppression of) act. 2. any person who? (@ (6) (c) d) for purposes of or
The Parochial Rates and Finance Act - Local Government
publication of local rate. 3/1956 s . 4. 14/1961 s. 3 remission of rates. 12/1985 sch. 3/1956 s. 4. computa- tion of rates on property consisting solely of a house and curtilage. parochial rates and finance 1s. the local rate for any town or distr
The Petroleum (Quality Control) Act
publica- tion of member- ship. remunera- tion of members.
The Pharmacy Act - Health and Safety
publica- 17.?(1) the council shall, as soon as may be after 4th soeciced august, 1975, publish in the gazette a notice containing? lists of . . . : drugs and (@ a list (in this act referred to as ?list no. 1%) potsons. in which shall be included the dr
The Undesirable Publications (Prohibition of Importation) Act - Media and Information
publications (prohibition of importation) the undesirable publications cap. 397. (prohibition of importation) act £3 of 1953, o 42 ot596s [20th june, 1940.) 3rd sch. 1. this act may be cited as the undesirable publications short titte. (prohibition of
14 of 2013 - General Consumption Tax (Validation and Indemnity) Act
publication legal notice of order in the notice name of order gazette no. 10. provisional collection of tax monday, 30a (general consumption tax) march 1, (no. 3) order. 2003 2004 11. provisional collection of tax monday, 30d (general consumption t
14 of 2013 - General Consumption Tax (Validation and Indemnity) Act
publication legal notice of order in the notice name of order gazette no. 29. provisional collection of tax wednesday," 128m (general consumption tax) october 12, (amendment of schedules) 2005 (no. 4) order, 2005 30. provisional collection of tax mond
14 of 2013 - General Consumption Tax (Validation and Indemnity) Act
publication of order in the gazette monday, march 13, 2006 wednesday, april 26, 2006 wednesday, may 31, 2006 thursday, august 3, 2006 thursday, august 3, 2006 thursday, august 3, 2006 wednesday, august 9, 2006 wednesday, august 9, 2006 tuesda