The National Housing Trust (Housing Benefits) (Amendment) Order, 2001
qualification points allocated 1. contributions points for every 52 weeks contributions ne ms ma 20 2. income bands low income (per week) ve oe ... ... 110 under $1,500.00 $1,500.00 ? $4,500.00 middle income (per week) $4,501.00 ? $9,000.00 i. i. i. e
The National Housing Trust (Housing Benefits) (Amendment0 Order,2003
qualification points allocated contributions points 1. for every 52 weeks contributions 20 2. income bands low income (per week) 110 under $1,500.00 $1,500.00?%4,500.00 middle income (per week) $4,501.00- --$9,000.00 90 high income (per week) 70 above
The Natural Resources Conservation (Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park) (User Fees) Regulations,2003.
qualification of principal investigator: names and qualifications of associates who will work on the project (attach very brief c.vs): why was jamaica selected as the research site? research project information g
Licence- Institute of International Recognized Qualification Limited
qualifications limited which was duly registered on the 3rd september, 2009, as a limited liability company is formed for the purpose of promoting objects of the nature contemplated by subsection (1) of section 16 of the companies act, and that it is the
The Architects Registration Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
qualification as an architect; or (ii) that he has had at least two years practical ex- perience in architectural work under the supervision of a registered architect (at least one year of which was in a member state) and has passed such examinations as
The Civil Service (Special Legal Qualification) Act - Regulation of Professions
qualification) 1 the civil service (special legal cap, 59. qualification) act 42 of 1969 [26th august, 1948.] 1. this act may be cited as the civil service (special short tite. legal qualification) act. 2. for the purposes of this act a person shall b
The Custos Rotulorum Act
qualifica- tions for appointment: as custos. custos rotulorum 5. subject to the provisions of this act, a custos shall hold office until the age of seventy-five years. 6. a person is eligible to be appointed as custos if the per- son? (a) is a justice
The Public Accountancy Act - Courts and Judiciary
qualification (whether a degree or diploma or membership of any body or otherwise) that is, after consultation with the board, approved by the minister for the purposes of this paragraph; (c) [deleted by act 9 of 2004.) (d) [deleted by act 9 of 2004.]
17_2009- The Registration (Strata Titles) (Amendment) Act
qualifica- member of the commission who? tion for appointment (2 isa member of the senate or the house of to commis- representatives; of sion. (b) has been convicted of an offence involving fraud, dishonesty or moral turpitude. 4. the minister may appo
The Beach Control Act
qualification information competent training organization: expiry date of lifeguard certificate: certificate] no.: instructions for delivery. of licence [j send to mailing address above [isend to employer [j deliver by courier to address above (cash on
The National Housing Trust Act
qualification points allocated 1. contributions } for every 52 weeks contributions ... ce ?. 20 2. income bands low income (per week) ce ve i. coe 110 under $1,500.00 $1,500 ? $4,500 middle income (per week) ... vee vee vee 9% $4,501.00 ? $9,000.00 hi