The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation and Regulation of Trade) (Conch, Strombus Gigas) Regulations, 2000
quantity of strombus gigas (queen conch) in storage name of officer application fee enclosed dated this 19th day of may, 2000. seymour mullings, minister of land and environment.
The Endangered Species ( Protection, Conservation and Regulation of Trade) ( Conch . Strombus Gigas) ( Amendment) Regulation, 2011
quantity of processed strombus gigas (queen conch) meat, opercula, shells or other by- products to be exported/imported/re-exported in each shipment. a. queen conch meat: number of cases degree processed total weight (in kilograms) b. opercula: ?
The Trade (Montreal Protocol) (Trade in Ozone Depleting Controlled Substances) Order, 2014
quantity of hcfc 1 january 2015 to 31 december 2019 241.41 metric tonnes 1 january 2020 to 31 december 2024 174.35 metric tonnes 1 january 2025 to 31 december 2029 87.18 metric tonnes 1 january 2030 to 31 december 2039 6.7 metric tonnes
The Tax Collection Write- Off Order, 2017
quantity surveyors nationwide news network tax type stamp duty paye income tax mbt gct gct paye asset tax education tax gct year of assessment 2016 2012 2011- 2012 2014 2015 2016 2012 2012? 2014 2007? 2015 jan. 2007- nov. 2015 schedul
The Weights and Measures Act
quantity and symbol derivation of unit magnetic flux telsa (t) wb/m? the density of one weber of density. magne- magnetic flux per square tic, induction metre. plane angle radian (rad) the plane angle between two radii of a circle which cut off on the ci
The Weights and Measures Act
quantity and symbol derivation of unit area are a 1 are=100m? hectare ha 1 hectare=10 000m? marine and nautical nautical 1 nautical mile=1852m aerial mile mile mass tonne t 1t=1000kg navigation knot knot i knot=1 nautical mile per hour plane angular degre
20 of 2014 - The Power of Faith (Incorporation and Vesting) Act
quantity of land 354265q. 391.19 sq. m 42027460 sq. m 469sq.m 3375q.m 1,8545q.m 1,239sq.m 5,010sq.m schedule proprietor power of faith ministries international power of faith ministries intemational power of faith ministries international po
20 of 2014 - The Power of Faith (Incorporation and Vesting) Act
quantity of land 1,559 sq. m 5,304 sq. m 5,559 sq. ft. or 516 sq. m 3214.7216 sq. m 2,696 sq. m 325.300 sq. m 167 sq. m proprietor power of faith ministries international power of faith ministries international power of faith ministries interna
The Broadcasting and Radio Re-diffusion Act
quantity manufacturer iving equipment . © ones, cables, antennas, down-converters, decipher /decoder). type quantity manufacturer (d) standby power equipment type quantity manufacturer standby system must be capable o
The Sugar Industry Control Act
quantity delivered total delivered to date initials delivery of scale clerk tons cwts qrs. tons cwts qrs. caution: the licensee who delivers caries, and the manufacturer who accepts delivery of canes, in contravention of
The Excise Duty Act
quantity | water | total to duty paid { re-manu- {| remitted total (quantity | quantity of date| be to at by the |loss | dis- | in in ~ |total| manu- distilled | added accounted warchouse| distillery | factured | commis- | posed butts | containers factu
The Excise Duty Act
quantity quantity total to be quantity and quantity manufactured received from accounted for delivered description and according to another factory according to for home received into description weight, measure, or warehouse weight, measure, consumption
The Excise Duty Act
quantity of spirits manufactured disposals quantity of spirits total quantity . received from quantity of delivered for quantity balance manufactured another spirits to be home consump- sent to from last during this factory or accounted tion on which e
The Excise Duty Act
quantity and | selling | rate of | amount of of consign- description . drawback ment note vendor of goods price duty claimed i certify that this voucher has been properly prepared and that the rates are correct according to laws and