The Delegation of Functions (Public Service) (Specified Ministries and Departments) Order, 2000
queen elizabeth ii. no. c3987/57 0, no. 36c = the constitution of jamaica the jamaica (constitution) order in council, 1962 sks the public service (amendment) regulations, 2000 ny in exercise of the powers conferred upon the governor-general by sectio
The Jamaica Public Service (Amendment) Regulations, 2000
queen elizabeth ii. no. c3987/57 vy . no. 36c = the constitution of jamaica the jamaica (constitution) order in council, 1962 - the public service (amendment) regulations, 2000 ny in exercise of the powers conferred upon the governor-general by sectio
The Housing Scheme part of Devon Pen, St. Andrew (Housing Area) Order, 2001
queensbury avenue in the possession of lloyd davis and registered at volume 745 folio 4 of the register book of titles, number eleven queensway avenue in the possession of victor levy and registered at volume 1030 folio 48 of the register book of titles,
The Corruption (Prevention) Regulations, 2002
queens warehouse entry examiner collector of customs excise inspector excise officer 2 director 1 senior immigration officer immigration officer assistant regional inspector collector of taxes 4 collector of taxes 3 collector of taxes 2 collector of
The Local Improvements (Sangster International Airport) (Exemption) Order, 2003
queen's drive east on the remainder of queen's drive west partly on palm beach, partly on chatham and partly on kent avenue or howsoever otherwise the same may be butted and bounded, known, distinguished or described. dated this 17th day of march, 2003.
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
queen conch cnidaria anthozoa corals, sea anemones helioporacea helioporidae spp. (includes only the species heliopora coerulea. fossils are not subject to the provisions of the convention) blue corals
The Endangered Species, Conservation and regulation of Trade) Act
queenii chlamydotis undulata houbaropsis bengalensis rallidae gallirallus sylvestris rhynochetidae rhynochetos jubatus passeriformes atrichornithidae atrichornis clamosus cotingidae cotinga maculata xipholena atropurpurea fringillidae carduelis cucullata
Delegation of Certain Functions of The Jamaica Racing Commission
queens avenue, magil palms, spanish town p.o., st. catherine; s. camille buchanan of lot 473, 17th avenue, west cumberland, gregory park p.o, st. catherine; superintendent marlon nesbeth, 646 st. peter?s close, caribbean estate, si. catherine; lan anthony