queens drive
The Main Roads Act - Declaration of Main Roads
queens drive and sunset boulevard, montego bay and passing between flankers and sir donald sangster international airport then easterly from the kent avenue intersection then through ironshore, coral gardens, rosehall and intersecting with the northern en
The Emergency Powers (Parish of St. James) (Opening Hours of Establishments) Order, 2018
queens drive, south along st. james street to barnett street, south-westerly along barnett street to bogue road, south along bogue road to the stoplight at the atl complex. west ? a straight line between grids 18.48 n and -77.93 w, 18.49 n and - 77.94 w
The Tourist Board Act
queens drive; thence generally north-westerly and north-easterly along the eastern boundary of the queen: drive to a point due east of the intersection of the western boundary of the queen?s drive with the northern boundary of delisser drive; thence due w