The Representation of the People (Remuneration of Election Officers and Scrutineers) (Amendment) Regulations, 2002
remuneration of election officers and scrutineers) (amendment) regulatons, 2002 in exercise of the powers conferred on the minister by sections 11, 12,64, 65,67,68, 104(1)(a) and 104(j) of the representation of the people act and of every other power her
The Representation of the People ( Remuneration of Election Officers And Scrutineers) ( Amendment ) Regulation , 2011
remuneration of election officers and scrutineers) (amendment) regulations, 2011 in exercise of the powers conferred on the minister by sections 11, 12, 64, 65, 67, 68, 104(1) (a) and (104) (j) of the representation of the people act and of every other p
The Representation of the People (Remuneration of Election Officers and Scrutineers) (Amendment) Regulations, 2015
remuneration of election officers and scrutineers) (amendment) regulations, 2015 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by sections 11, 12, 64, 67, 68, 104(1)(a) and (j) of the representation of the people act and of every other power hereu
The Archives Act - Media and Information
remuneration (whether by way of honorarium, salary or fees) and such allowances as the minister may determine. 7. no action, suit, prosecution or other proceedings shall be brought or instituted personally against any member of the committee in re- spect
The Banana Board Act - Agriculture
remunera- tion of members. 17/1960 8.2. appoint- ment of officers, agents and servants. 16/1965 s. 2. 16/1965 5. 2 delegation of power. 17/1960 8 2 (1). 16/1965 ss. 2 banana board 16. the board shall pay to each member of the board, in respect of
The Broadcasting and Radio Re-Diffusion Act - Communication and Technology
remunera- tion of members authentica- tion of seal and documents, broadcasting and radio re-diffusion {2) the chairman may at any time resign his office by instru- ment in writing addressed to the governor-general; and such resigna- tion shall take ef
The Cocoa Industry Board Act - Agriculture
remunera- tion of members. minutes receivable in evidence. exemption. cocoa industry board 22. the board shall pay to the chairman and other members of the board such remuneration and allowances, if any, as the minister may determine. 23. minutes mad
The Coconut Industry Control Act - Agriculture
remunera- approval of the minister, authorize the payment out of the members of funds of the board of such sum or sums as they may think he board. fit by way of remuneration and allowances to the chair- s- 5. man and members of the board. [the inclu
The Electricity (Frequency Conversion) Act - Public Utilities
remuneration, if any (whether by way of salaries or travelling or other allowances) as the minister may determine. 10. the funds of the commission shall consist of such moneys as may from time to time be placed at their disposition for the purposes of th
The Electricity Development Act - Public Utilities
remunera- tion of members. funds of the authority. power to appoint ofticers, agent and servants. disclosure of interest electricity development (6) the validity of any proceeding of the authority shall not be affected by any vacancy amongst the memb
The Independent Commissions of Investigations Act
remunera- tion of commis- sioner. interpre- tation. entitlement to pensions and gratuities in respect of | . service as commis- _ sioner. independent commission of investigations 1 first schedule, contd. | (section 3) part i, contd. tenure of offi
The Jamaica 4-H Clubs Act - Companies and Associations
remunera- tion of members. office of chairman or member not public office. jamaica 4-h clubs (2) where any member of the board is exempt from liability by reason only of the provisions of this paragraph, the board shall be liable to the extent that it
The Jamaica Cultural Development Commission Act - Culture and Heritage
remunera- tion of members. power to appoint officers, agents and servants. jamaica cultural development commission (2) the scal of the commission shall be authenticated by the signatures of the chairman or one member of the commission authorized to act
The Jamaica Intellectual Property Office Act
remuneration, if any, whether by way of salaries. honoraria, travelling or other allowances as the minister may determine. 13 remunera- tion of appointed members. [the inclusion of this page is authorized by l.n. 88/2003}
The National Council on Education Act - Education
remunera- tion of members, appoint- ment of committees. power to - delegate. national council on education (2) the chairman may at any time call a special meeting of the council and shall call a special meeting to be held within seven days of a writt