rent assessment board
The Rent Restriction Act - Real Estate
rent assessment board constituted under section 9 for the area in which any premises in question are situated; ?building land? means land let to a tenant for the purpose of the erection thereon by the tenant of a building used, or to be used, as a dwelli
The Rent Restriction Act - Real Estate
rent assessment board established under subsection (1) of section 9. 10a?(1) subject to the provisions of this act or any regu- lations hereunder, an assessment officer shall have power to determine the standard rent of controlled premises and to perform
The Rent Restriction Act - Real Estate
rent assessment board/ assessment officer. the certificate of the chairman/secretary of the rent assessment board or the assessment officer, as the case may be, verifying that the said increase in rent is permitted under ?the act, is attached hereto. ee
The Rent Restriction Act
rent assessment board for the parish of between landlord and tenant the landlord's claim is $ being arrears of rent in respect of premises situated at in the parish of and the landlord claims costs landlord [the inclusion of this page is authorize
The Rent Restriction Act
rent assessment board for the parish of between tenant and ; a ae landlord the tenant's claim is $ being a refund of rent charged in excess of the permitted rent in respect of premises situated at in the parish of and the tenant claims costs pee rsa
The Rent Restriction Act
rent assessment board for the parish of........cccoeiviviriieivniriiiennnns fo tiie e reat te reeteeeearaeas ties tertrentieaarasettnase ran etaatanteras *landlord / tenant of ieee aera eer eireeen rere traara rans vee whereas an application has this d
The Rent Restriction Act
rent assessment board. amount claimed $ hours of attendance at the office of this board are from 9.00 am. to 4.00 pm. and on fridays 9.00 am. to 3.00 p.m. notice of intention to defend applcation ino.....cuvmiiii ic reese 19...... in the rent assessmen
The Rent Restriction Act
rent assessment board, parish of oii retreat rare een ese rarer r saan holden at............ccocenens ree tee reerer are ren rr araes vrreeeenes . on the............ day of.cevniiiireniiiiinrisesnraineeeceans 19......... rrrererierres said pena ervrreaes
The Rent Restriction Act
rent assessment board for the parish of .............cooiviiiiniiiiinniiiiiennens bb ae eae baa a habeas e haa e tate eee aaa eee sr eed 888800080000 esa rte tar s08eetieeessesesasantreetnies upon the hearing of this application at a sitting of the boar
The Rent Restriction Act
rent assessment board for the parish of................. eerrrererieeeseensnnns the review of an assessment officer's grant or refusal of a certificate of exemption. the review of an assessment officer?s decision regarding the termination of rights of s
The Rent Restriction Act
rent assessment board ceerrrecenerenes verreereerrnereervossaseraned puaeens to:..... seteeeeseserertasotaarrrrsronsaanetsrsses adaress: .........co.ooivirniiiiiiiricrsiicaisnion re: premises situated at........... vevesreon sernecseses ceesesancose an a
The Rent Restriction Act
rent assessment board for the parish of beeen ae ratte ate srt asa rnan holden at the review of an assessment officer's grant or refusal of a certificate of exemption. the review of an assessment officer's in the matter of decision regarding the termi
The Rent Restriction Act
rent assessment board. erereerrens sia * delete brackets and contents thereof where inapplicable. t t itemize any additional amount or each of any additional amounts (as the case may be) in terms of the grounds for its addition under the rent restrictio
The Rent Restriction Act
rent assessment board for meee atedaae tat se reeset ter tcotar tress settseatcatanne 1. address of premises eesti metas ats aa niet en ab arena rire reset rarasanrat antes rbenrteeare titres rnanreeties 2. type of property: residential oo commercial