saint ann
The Deportation (Sespedes Heano Hamilton) Order, 2000
saint ann has certified to the minister that the alien sespedes heano hamilton has been convicted by that court of an offence under this act: now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred on the minister by section 15 (6) (b) of the aliens act, the
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification ( Special Provisions) ( Section 5- Part of Hampstead In The Parish of Saint Ann) Order, 2017
saint ann parish council or that an order under section 5(a)(i) of the registration of titles, cadastral mapping and tenure clarification (special provisions) act, 2005 must be furnished. in light of the above the honourable minister is being asked to mak
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification ( Special Provisions) ( Section 5- Part of Hampstead In The Parish of Saint Ann) Order, 2017
saint ann, butting and bounding as appears by survey pre-checked plan bearing plan examination number stated in the table below as follows: plan applicant examination ~~ parcel size place name number (m3?) name parish monica scott 339080 406.90 hamps
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification ( Special Provisions) ( Section 5- Part of Hampstead In The Parish of Saint Ann) Order, 2017
saint ann parish council. 9. no waste (sullage or effluent) disposal shall be permitted to be discharged from any lot onto any roadway or part of any adjoining lands. 10. there being a satisfactory building site on each residential lot, with satisfactor
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification ( Special Provisions) ( Section 5- Part of Hampstead In The Parish of Saint Ann) Order, 2017
saint ann parish council. 16. there shall be no further subdivision of the land. 17. that the land owner makes the necessary arrangements with the relevant authority to comply with requirements for solid waste disposal. 18. titles are released with the
The Aliens Act (Patrick Philip Desirie Herbots) Order, 2000
saint ann has certified to the minister that the alien patrick philip desirie herbots has been convicted by that court of an offence under this act:? now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred on the minister by section 15(6)(b) of the aliens act
The Immigration Restriction (Commonwealth Citizens) (Undesirable Person) (Mary Elizabeth Briscoe) Order, 2000
saint ann has certified to the minister that the alien patrick philip desirie herbots has been convicted by that court of an offence under this act:? now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred on the minister by section 15(6)(b) of the aliens act
The Deportation (Mindiola Ramirez) Order, 2000
saint ann has certified to the minister that the alien mindiola remirez has been convicted by that court of an offence under this act:? now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred on the minister by section 15(6)(b) of the aliens act, the followin
The Income Tax (Approved Farmer) (Green Adventure Limited) Order, 2002
saint ann is hereby designated to be an approved farmer for the purposes of the act. 3. green adventure limited shall be engaged in the growing of food crops at the farm located at new forest in the parish of manchester.
The Bauxite and Alumina Industries (Transfer of Property) (Alcan Jamaica Limited) Supplemental Order, 2003
saint ann being the land comprised in certificate of title registered at volume 649 folio 60 of the register book of titles. all those parcels of land part of saint faith?s pen in the parish of saint ann being the land comprised in certificate of title r
The Westmoreland Parish Council (Sale Of Goods In Public Places) Regulations,2004
saint ann parish council (sale of goods in public places) regulations, 2004 in exercise of the power conferred upon the parish council by section 121 of the parish councils act, and of every other power hereunto enabling, the following regulations are he
The Saint Ann Parish Council (Sale Of Goods In Public Places) Regulations,2004
saint ann parish council (sale of goods in public places) regulations, 2004 in exercise of the power conferred upon the parish council by section 121 of the parish councils act, and of every other power hereunto enabling, the following regulations are he
The Saint Catherine Parish Council (Sale Of Goods In Public Places) Regulations,2004
saint ann parish council (sale of goods in public places) regulations, 2004 conditions applicable to vending licences 1. vending is permitted only? (a) at the vending station specified in the licence; (b) during the period so specified; and (c) in relat
The Housing Scheme Part of White River, In the Parish of St. Ann ( Housing Area) Order, 2005
saint ann, commencing at a point being the south-eastern corner adjacent to the parochial road leading to great pond, then proceeding north-westerly for approximately 55 metres, then north-westerly for approximately 173 metres, then north-easterly for app