savings bank
The Evidence Act - Courts and Judiciary
savings bank established and carrying on business within the island under the provisions of any law relating to savings banks; and the fact that any such savings bank is established and carrying on business as aforesaid may be proved by the production of
The Gray's Charity Act - Trusts and Estates
savings bank: and whereas it is desirable that the money at the credit of the charity should be invested as may from time to time become necessary, and that the income arising from such investments and so much of the capital as may be necessary should be
The Larceny Act - Courts and Judiciary
savings bank in jamaica, or by any body corporate or public company, in which books the accounts of the owners of any money deposited in such savings bank, or of any stock of any such body corporate, is entered and kept; or (b) falsifies in any manner an
The Larceny Act - Courts and Judiciary
savings bank in jamaica, or in any building society, and thereby transfers or endeavours to transfer any share or interest belonging to such owner, or thereby receives or endeavours to receive any money due to any such owner, as if such person were the t
The Married Women's Property Act - Family
savings bank, or in any other bank, all annuities granted by the com- missioners for the reduction of the national debt or by any other person, and all sums forming part of the public stocks or funds of great britain or of this island, or of any other sto
The Married Women's Property Act - Family
savings bank, or in any other bank annuities granted by the commissioners for the reduc- tion of the national debt or by any other person, sums forming part of the public stocks or funds of great britain or of this island, or of any other stocks or funds
The Telegraph Act - Communication and Technology
savings bank on the security of such debentures. 11. the postmaster-general may acquire such lands and hereditaments, and erect such stations, houses and offices, with all necessary appliances, as he may from time to time deem necessary for the works; an
The Towns Nuisances Prevention Act - Local Government
savings bank of this island forthwith, or at such time as the court shall direct, and shall be carried to an account, to bear interest, to be opened in the name of the council, to the credit in each case of the land (describing the same by its abuttals, o
The Towns Nuisances Prevention Act - Local Government
savings bank of this island, it is witnessed that (the land in the plan hereto annexed?or otherwise described) together with all buildings and erections thereon and all rights and appurtenances thereto, are absolutely sold and hereby conveyed, for the con
The Workers Savings and Loan Bank Act
savings bank shall, subject to sub- section (2), be deemed to be a reference to the bank. (2) the minister may, by order, with effect from any date specified in the order, not being earlier than the 15th day of august, 1973, make such adaptations and mod