school examinations com
The Caribbean Examinations Council Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
school examinations committee? means the schuol examina- tions committee appointed by the council in accordance with articles iti and x. article ii establishment and constitution 1. the council is hereby established and shall consist of the following m
The Caribbean Examinations Council Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
school examinations committee in accordance with article x; appoint from among its members an admiiustrative and finance committee which shall include a representative from each of the participating governments of barbados, guyana, jamaica and trinidad a
The Caribbean Examinations Council Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
school examinations committee such powers as may be necessary; delegate to the administrative and finance committee such powers as may be necessary; appoint such other committees as the council may consider necessary for the performance of its duties;
The Caribbean Examinations Council Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
school examinations com- mittee and of the administrative and finance committec shall be taken on the majority vote of all the members present. [the inclusion of this page is authorized by [lin. 42/1995]
The Caribbean Examinations Council Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
school examinations committee 1. the school examinations committee shall consist of : ? {@) the chairman of the council or his deputy who shall be the chairman; (#) four members who shall be representatives of the universities of the area; (c) one tec