The Number Portability Administration Fee 2016/2017
scribers of each service provider. i. the fees shall be cited as the number portability administrator fees, 2016 and is effective for the period 2016 june |, t0 2017 may 31, and thereafter for each period beginning june | and ending may 31 for each subse
The Number Portability Administration Fees 2017/2018
scribers of each service provider. 1. the fees shall be cited as the number portability administrator fees, 2017 and is effective for the period 2017 june 1, to 2018 may 31, and thereafter for each period beginning june 1 and ending may 31 for each subse
The Number Portability Administration Fees, 2018
scribers of each service provider. i. the fees shall be cited as the number portability administrator fees, 2018 and is effective for the period 2018, june 1,t02019, may 31, and thereafter for each period beginning june i and ending may 31 for each subse
The Number Portability Administration Fees, 2021
scribers for company x tas = total active subscribers npaf = total number portability administration fee sf,min = minimum number portability administration fee provided that sf, shall not be less that sf, min. for the period 2021, june 1 to 2022, may 31,
The Broadcasting and Radio Re-Diffusion Act - Communication and Technology
scriber television service no person to operate subscriber television service without licence. person eligible for licence to operate subscriber television service. offences. part nib. licences application for licences. procedure relating to application
The Broadcasting and Radio Re-Diffusion Act - Communication and Technology
scriber television service and independent programme providers 11a.?(1) no person shall? (a) establish, maintain or operate a subscriber television service; or : (b) operate as an independent programme provider, except under and in accordance with the
The Broadcasting and Radio Re-Diffusion Act - Communication and Technology
scriber tele- vision service. 11/2008 s. 10(a). broadcasting and radio re-diffusion (2) every person who contravenes the provisions of subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence against this section and shall be liable on summary conviction before a
The Caribbean Accreditation Authority (Medicine and Other Health Professions) Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
scriber television service to the public. (2) a company mentioned in subsection 1 is a company which? (a) is incorporated in jamaica or any other member state; and (b) is controlled by persons who are nationals of jamaica or another member state. (3) a
The Broadcasting and Radio Re-diffusion Act
scriber television service 15. a licensee who operates subscriber television service shall? (a) use an identifying colour code or other identifying feature approved by the commission on cables used by him in the provision of such service; (b) have an i
The Port workers (Superannuation Fund) Act
scriber for a period of not less than ten years immediately before the termination of his participation in this scheme, he may elect to receive from the fund, in lieu of that benefit and any interest added to it in accordance with paragraph (2), a deferre