sept. 18, 2002
The Securities (Conduct of Business) (Amendment) Regulations, 2002
sept. 18, 2002 (2) a filing fee of three thousand dollars shall be paid to the commission for the filing of the quarterly returns required under regulation 14.". dated the 18th day of september, 2002. owen jefferson, chairman, financial services
The Securities (Licensing and Registration) (Amendment) Regulations, 2002
sept. 18, 2002 (2) a filing fee of three thousand dollars shall be paid to the commission for the filing of the quarterly returns required under regulation 14.". dated the 18th day of september, 2002. owen jefferson, chairman, financial services
The Securities (Licensing and Registration) (Amendment) Regulations, 2002
sept. 18, 2002 (ii) by deleting from paragraph (b) the numerals "2,000", "12,500" and "2,500" and substituting therefor the numerals "5,000", "90,000" and "4,000", respectively; (d) in item 3 by deleting the numerals "2,000" and "10,000" and subst
The Securities (Licensing and Registration) (Amendment) Regulations, 2002
sept. 18, 2002 second schedule (regulation 4 (f)) "7. the fees payable by a central securities depository shall be? (a) on application (non-refundable)... cs ... $20,000.00 (b) on the grant of a licence es i. .... $20,000.00 (¢c) an annual fee ca