sept. 9, 2011
The Law Revision( Authorized Pages) Order, 2011
sept. 9, 2011 3. in relation to the chronological table to the revised laws referred to in the first column of the second schedule? (a) the pages specified in the second column of that-schedule are hereby authorized tobe removed from the revised l
The Law Revision( Authorized Pages) Order, 2011
sept. 9, 2011] proclamations, rules and regulations 341 first schedule, contd. first column second column third column acts pages authorized to be new pages authorized to removed (inclusive) be inserted (inclusive) the judicature
The Law Revision( Authorized Pages) Order, 2011
sept. 9, 2011 ~ first schedule, contd. first column second column third column acts? pages authorized to be pages authorized to removed (inclusive) be inserted (inclusive) the registration (strata 15-16,17-18, 19-20, 21-22,23-24,25
The Law Revision( Authorized Pages) Order, 2011
sept. 9, 2011] proclamations, rules and regulations 343 second schedule (paragraph 3) first column second column third column acts pages authorized to be new pages authorized to removed (inclusive) be inserted (inclusive) the chronol