The Post Office (Postal Charges) (Amendment) Order, 2001
seychelles 60.00 24.00 40.00 40.00 sharjah 60.00 24.00 40.00 40.00 sierre leone 60.00 24.00 40.00 40.00 singapore (republic of) 60.00 24.00 40.00 40.00 solomon islands 60.00 24.00 40.00 40.00 somali (democratic republic) 60.00 24.00 40.00 40.00 south afri
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
seychelles) falco pelegrinoides falco peregrinus falco punctatus falco rusticolus macrocephalon maleo animals storks ibises, spoonbill ducks, geese, s' new world vult hawks, eagles falcons megapodes, sc
The Endangered Species, Conservation and regulation of Trade) Act
seychelles) falco pelegrinoides falco peregrinus falco punctatus falco rusticolus galliformes - cracidae crax blumenbachii chachalacas, ~ mitu mitu currasows, guans oreophasis derbianus penelope albipennis pipile jacutinga pipile pipile megapodiidae macro
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation and Regulation of Trade) Act (Amendment of Schedules) Order, 2015
seychelles) falco pelegrinoides falco peregrinus falco punctatus falco rusticolus crax blumenbachii mitu mitu oreophasis derbianus penelope albipennis pipile jacutinga pipile pipile macrocephalon maleo catreus wallichii colinus virginianus ridgwayi c
The Endangered Species (Protection, etc. Act - Environment
seychelles) falco pelegrinoides falco peregrinus falco punctatus falco rusticolus animals boobies frigate birds storks ibises, spoonbills ducks, geese, swans, etc. new world vultures hawks, eagles falcons [the inclusion of this page is authori
The Jamaican Nationality Act - Citizenship and Nationality
seychelles sierra leone singapore solomon islands st. christopher-nevis st. lucia st. vincent and the grenadines swaziland the co-operative republic of guyana the federation of nigeria the gambia the republic of sri lanka the united kingdom and
The Pensions (Teachers) Act - Social Security
seychelles sierra leone singapore somaliland straits settlements swaziland tanganyika territory trinidad turks and caicos islands uganda zanzibar. 35 l.n. 1407/1955. l.n. 140/1955. l.n. 140/1955. [the inclusion of this page is authorized by
The Republic of the Seychelles Act - Citizenship and Nationality
seychelles the republic of the seychelles act [28th june, 1976.] 1. this act may be cited as the republic of the seychelles act, 1979. 2. in this act? ?existing law? means all law which, whether being a rule of law or a provision of an act of parliame
11_2020- The Revenue Administration (Amendment) Act
seychelles singapore sint maarten slovak republic slovenia south africa spain sweden switzerland trinidad and tobago turkey turks and caicos islands united arab emirates 100. united kingdom 101. uruguay 102. vanuatu
11_2020- The Revenue Administration (Amendment) Act
seychelles singapore sint maarten slovak republic slovenia south africa spain sweden switzerland trinidad and tobago turkey turks & caicos islands united arab emirates 100. united kingdom 101. uruguay 102. vanuatu 4]