signatory states
The Caribbean Investment Fund Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
signatory states listed in the schedule hereto preferably those which are listed or which have committed to the list on a stock exchange in any of the signatory states. such investment shall include but not be limited to investment by way of a new stock a
The Caribbean Investment Fund Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
signatory states determine that this agreement should not be terminated as provided in clause 2.3 hereof then such of the first tranche as has not been subscribed and paid up shall form part of the second tranche to be subscribed and paid up within the fu
The Caribbean Investment Fund Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
signatory states will promptly provide all consents and approvals necessary in order to permit or provide that any restrictions (including without limitation exchange control restrictions) contained in any legislation or governmental or statutory order fr
The Caribbean Investment Fund Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
signatory states will promptly provide all consents and approvals necessary in order to permit or provide that no taxes, duties, levies or imposts shall be payable on or levied in respect of any or all of the following: ? subscriptions to or inve
The Caribbean Investment Fund Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
signatory states: 6.1 the fund in consultation with the fund's managers shall set the investment policy of the fund in projects in signatory states but will nevertheless give due consideration to investing in every participating signatory state from time
The Caribbean Investment Fund Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
signatory states and the fund on matters relating to this agreement and the performance of the fund. 11.4 the fund will provide written quarterly reports to the advisory board indicating the investments in and/or funding provided to projects by the fun
The Caribbean Investment Fund Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
signatory states listed in the schedule hereto which number must include any three of the states of barbados, guyana, jamaica and trinidad and tobago. 13.2 if this agreement is not executed pursuant to clause 13.1 within 60 days of the date that the cari
The Caribbean Investment Fund Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
signatory states as contemplated by the objectives of the original agreement will, from time to time, be insufficient to provide a competitive return to investors in the fund. 1.2 the fund shall at all times give priority to investments of equal opportun
The Caribbean Investment Fund Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
signatory states pursuant, to this supplemental agreement be invested in projects in the signatory states contemplated in clause 1 of the original agrecment within three years from the cstablishment of the fund failing which the provisions of clause 12 ?e