slaughter house
The Kingston Improvements Act - Local Government
slaughter house, administered by them (in this section called ?the undertakings?), shall be transferred to a single account of surplus funds, and the nett unappropriated profits, if any, and the losses, if any, on the administration of the aforesaid under
The Kingston Improvements Act - Local Government
slaughter house 40 pechon street 20! 34, ebenezer lane from spa- do. pechon street to sea 50 nish town road to mon- 5. tower street 40 tague street 25 6. barry street 40 35. montague street from 7. laws street 40 spanish town road to 8. beckford street?or
The Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation Act
slaughter house) rules, 1940 or the jamaica defence regulations, 1940 or any rule or order made thereunder or otherwise misconducts himself on the market premises may have his licence revoked by the council and such licence shall forthwith be suspended by