The Electoral Divisions (Parishes) (Amendment) Order, 2005
sligoville above rocks lauriston crescent ginger ridge point hill red hills bellevue polling divisions 76,77, 78,79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101. 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109
The Electoral Divisions (Parishes) Order, 2007
sligoville above rocks lauriston crescent ginger ridge point hill red hills bellevue guys hill troja mount industry polling divisions 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 11, 12, 13,14, 15,16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,23, 24, 25,26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,32, 33.
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Stanbury Grove, Parish of Saint Catherine) Oder, 2013
sligoville f.q ; . 3 = stanbury est richoras 4 grove sa , c/o lomatha thompson ff marks ore lp.s so tierwise stoted whe ra 0s 0 10 20 jo 490 30 a » 20 9 100 metres l 1 1 3 1 i de 4 i 1 i l j coa 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 i 1-3 scale = fom = 10 melres re 1.1000 ~ 8, m
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Sligoville called Llangibby, Saint Catherine) Order, 2013
sligoville to llangibby parochial road. 7. the owners shall not in any manner restrict or interfere with the discharge of storm water from any road on the land comprised in this certificate of title (hereinafter called ?the said land?) and the road autho
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Sligoville, Montpelier, Fulham Park, LLangibby and James Mountain, in the parish of Saint Catherine) Order, 2014
sligoville, montpelier, fulham park, llangibby and james mountain, in the parish of saint catherine) order, 2014 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 5 of the registration of titles, cadastral mapping and tenure clarification
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Sligoville, Montpelier, Fulham Park, LLangibby and James Mountain, in the parish of Saint Catherine) Order, 2014
sligoville, montpelier, fulham park, llangibby and james mountain, in the parish of saint catherine, butting and bounding as appears by survey of block 6 sheet 75 cadastral map bearing cadastral map number cm140675-214 and parcel number l140675 stated in
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Sligoville, Montpelier, Fulham Park, LLangibby and James Mountain, in the parish of Saint Catherine) Order, 2014
sligoville, montpelier, fulham park, llangibby and james mountain, in the parish of saint catherine as described in part i above.
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Sligoville, Montpelier, Fulham Park, LLangibby and James Mountain, in the parish of Saint Catherine) Order, 2014
sligoville, mountpelier, fulham, llargibby, james mountain, in the parish of saint catherine j © ie jo flag hl block 6 sheet 75 2 mada a 140875029 \ fullerton or > part ii, contd. first schedule, contd. april2
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Sligoville, Montpelier, Fulham Park, LLangibby and James Mountain, in the parish of Saint Catherine) Order, 2014
sligoville main road. 5. that the natural drainage onto the land shall be unimpeded. 6. drainage resulting from work done on the subdivision shall be satisfactorily intercepted and disposed of before it reaches the main/parochial road. 7. the owners sh
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5 - Part of Pimento Mount, Saint Catherine) Order, 2015
sligoville p.o. pimento metres ao 10 9 20 40 samuel edwards (est) c/o cloudius hall sligoville p.o. of survey & mapping division plan checked fo ls for diregfor f survey £05 scale 1 centimetre = nb: all marks are i
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification ( Special Provisions) ( Section 5- Part of Hampstead In The Parish of Saint Catherine) Order, 2016
sligoville p.o. highgate park sono ei eres rere p???? £5 cunvi'y & mapping division i flan checked 5 ) ? a ? js for fron spike {rector of survey theodofile surevy aaron watson date 2006 -0f ~ /5 bange ridge p.o. h am s te a d 20 0 20
Education ( Determination of Classification of Specified Schools) ( Amendment) Order, 2016
sligoville all-age st. catherine sligoville second | primary sept. 1,2016 age primary school 08028 sommerton all- st. james sommerton second | primary sept. 1,2016 age and infant primary and school infant 11069 springfield st. elizabeth springfield second
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Ellis Mountain called Holland Village in the parish of Saint Catherine) Order, No. 0568/2020
sligoville to rock holl 7. 8 = 10s post © i ? % agg od. 1087 @2.069 3 §l47r norcia fowiin (nash sle 11-16 | n 7f19e | 29.540 thaddius bowley lot. s . 14-18 | n 29°08w | 11.590 sligoville p.o. b, 0 8 kenneth frances e boundary notes sligoville p.o. 8 frot
The National Housing Trust Act
sligoville to spanish town: thence generally southerly along the centre-line of the last-mentioned main road to its intersec- tion with the centre-line of the parochial road leading from mount moreland to simons: thence generally westerly along the centre