The Natural Resources (Hazardous Waste) (Control of Transboundary Movement) Regulations, 2002
snes 000 in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in part b of the schedule. schedule part a (description of hazardous waste) part b (terms and conditions) dated this day of , 200.... seal of authority signature of authorized officer
The Units Trust ( Books and Document) ( Amendment) Regulation, 2009
snes icipal therefor, in each case, the word ?commission?. regulations. amendment of 4. regulation 5 of the principal regulations is amended? regulation 5 of principal (a) in the marginal note, by deleting the words ?by manager?; regulations. 5 - ; (b) in
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Sligoville, Montpelier, Fulham Park, LLangibby and James Mountain, in the parish of Saint Catherine) Order, 2014
snes [4 (75 ay. steer 75 kda turi. \ part 140675018 q grattells ville 140875011 francella vincent ongond 1677nt 140675003 mncent bryan{unr.} 140675008 vincent sryan(jnr.) 140675031 ea e20 7362at
The Forest ( Seville) ( Forest Reserve ) Notice, 2016
snes kirporon at] =a no fr 0m ta #5 tafgiewood ee ?volume-785 folio 84 - ? pricey pa 728 ane fre ? dr ys seville estate volumes poses tre amater wf mowing 2 smghy wr mews kran 30 ?art of seville estate ame
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Lot No. 38, part of Halse Hall called New Bowens (Phase 1) in the parish of Clarendon) Order, No. 0031/2018
snes . vey kany. ?_? sesome mang an ao of gman: mane 403 scm ude soc dai of last nsy can. rest na teanminn 6 avez gamctamnn 3 be za she $ mba tls
01_2018-The Licences on Trades and Business (Validation, Indemnification and Amendment) Act
sness tame for nanigyale - last fast adale;. 3 trade hares 4 posh whith business t'ace is 5 tare of ce §. mang address if different from 5} + contzit humiers, £ e-mail address t tick boxes: d sperognae ) o * od revises r
The Keeping of Animals Act
snesrrrarreaeesnaeeraaensensnasssnsbsonss date of issue of licence... ...ocvuirititiiititiiieitiiet iii ies eee tereretirsererearaatnrarnesss name of licbiser. ....vutirtirineiiinrenrererreninisereaeaneesetieersiarneransarenrsssttscaesirnanns approximat
The General Consumption Tax Act
sness name 2. trade name . telephones num! a) fax numbe mall ress 4. business address (apt. no, sreet no. & narn, postal zone, parish) [=] 5. business marling address (¥ s¥orent kom busnes adtress) = 6. date business acquired/commenced