special constables
The Constables (Special) Act - Defence and National Security
special constables . power to appoint parish special constables. . parish special constable?s oath. . minister?s power to cause parish special constables to be appointed. regulations and orders. removal of parish special constables. . powers, authoriti
The Constables (Special) Act - Defence and National Security
special constables 2. in any case where it is made to appear to two justices for any parish, that any tumult, riot, or felony has taken place, or may reasonably be apprehended in such parish, and such justices are of opinion that the ordinary officers ap
The Constables (Special) Act - Defence and National Security
special constables tobe appointed. regulstions and orders. removal of parish special constables. powers, authorities, advantages and immunities of parish . special constables. penalty for refusing, etc., to take outh, constables (special) specia
The Constables (Special) Act - Defence and National Security
special constables. payment of pec; constables. recovery of ties. interpreta- tion. 14/1983 s.2. 1/1988 s.2. constitution of island speci n- stabulary force. composition of force. constables (special) police for the parish, every staff, weapon, and
The Constables (Special) Act - Defence and National Security
special constables; the calling out of special constables for service; the discipline and guidance of the force; the setting up of disciplinary boards to investi- gate breaches of discipline and to award punish- ment if necessary and the powers and duti
The Constables (Special) Act - Defence and National Security
special constables for the division to which such special constable belongs. 9.?(1) the elections shall take place annually in the month of january and the annual meeting of all boards shall be held not later than the 28th day of february. (2) the minis