st. ann parish council
The Road Traffic ( St. Ann Parish Council) ( Parking and Parking Metres) Rules, 2005
st. ann parish council) (parking and parking metres) rules, 2005 in exercise of the powers conferred on the st. ann parish council by sections 54 and 117 of the road traffic act and of every other power hereunto enabling, the following rules are hereby m
The Road Traffic ( St. Ann Parish Council) ( Functions of Traffic Wardens) Order, 2005
st. ann parish council) (functions of traffic wardens) order, 2005 in exercise of the powers conferred on the minister by section 117 of the road traffic act, the following order is hereby made: ? 1. this order may be cited as the road traffic (st. ann
The Road Traffic ( St. Thomas Parish Council) ( Functions of Traffic Wardens) Order, 2005
st. ann parish council) (functions of traffic wardens) order, 2005 in exercise of the powers conferred on the minister by section 117 of the road traffic act, the following order is hereby made: ? 1. this order may be cited as the road traffic (st. ann
The Road Traffic ( St. Ann Parish Council) ( Disposal of Abandoned Vehicles) Order, 2005
st. ann parish council) (disposal of abandoned vehicles) order, 2005 in exercise of the powers conferred on the minister by section 122 of the road traffic act, the following order is hereby made: ? 1. this order may be cited as the road traffic (st. an
The Road Traffic ( St. James Parish Council) ( Specified Area) Order, 2005
st. ann parish council) (specified area) order, 2005 in exercise of the powers conferred on the minister by section 117 of the road traffic act, the following order is hereby made:? 1. this order may be cited as the road traffic (st. ann parish council)
The Road Traffic ( Westmoreland Parish Council) ( Specified Area) Order, 2005
st. ann parish council) (specified area) order, 2005 in exercise of the powers conferred on the minister by section 117 of the road traffic act, the following order is hereby made:? 1. this order may be cited as the road traffic (st. ann parish council)
The Road Traffic ( St. Ann Parish Council) (Specified Area) Order, 2005
st. ann parish council) (specified area) order, 2005 in exercise of the powers conferred on the minister by section 117 of the road traffic act, the following order is hereby made: ? 1. this order may be cited as the road traffic (st. ann parish council
The Road Traffic ( St. Ann Parish Council) ( Inspection and Testing of Parking Metres and Removal of Vehicles) Rules, 2005
st. ann parish council) (inspection and testing of parking metres and removal of vehicles) rules, 2005 in exercise of the powers conferred on the minister by subsection (3) of section 54 of the road traffic act, and of every other power hereunto enabling
The Road Traffic ( Westmoreland Parish Council) ( Parking ) Regulations, 2005
st. ann parish council) (parking) regulations, 2005 in exercise of the powers conferred on the minister by sections 54, 116, 117 and 121 of the road traffic act and of every other power hereunto enabling, the following regulations are made: ? 1. these
The Road Traffic ( St. Ann Parish Council) ( Parking ) Regulations, 2005
st. ann parish council) (parking) regulations, 2005 in exercise of the powers conferred on the minister by sections 54, 116, 117 and 121 of the road traffic act and of every other power hereunto enabling, the following regulations are made: ? 1. these
The Road Traffic ( St. Thomas Parish Council) ( Parking ) Regulations, 2005
st. ann parish council) (parking) regulations, 2005 in exercise of the powers conferred on the minister by sections 54, 116, 117 and 121 of the road traffic act and of every other power hereunto enabling, the following regulations are made: ? 1. these
The Parish Councils ( St. Ann Parish Council) ( Appointment of Nomination Day) Notice, 2005
st. ann parish council) (appointment of nomination day) notice, 2005 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 14 (1) of the parish councils act, the following notice is hereby given:? 1. this notice may be cited as the parish coun
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Alderton in the Parish of St. Ann) Order, 2014
st. ann parish council. 9. no waste (sullage or effluent) disposal shall be permitted to be discharged from any lot onto any roadway or part of any adjoining lands. 10. there being a satisfactory building site on each residential lot, with satisfactory
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Alderton in the Parish of St. Ann) Order, 2014
st. ann parish council. 9. no waste (sullage or effluent) disposal shall be permitted to be discharged from any lot onto any roadway or part of any adjoining lands. 10. there being a satisfactory building site on each residential lot, with satisfactory
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Glasgow, St. Ann) Order, 2014
st. ann parish council or that an order under section 5(a)(i) of the registration of titles, cadastral mapping and tenure clarification (special provisions) act, 2005 be furnished. in light of the above the honourable minister is being asked to make an or