The Standards Act
standards act or the compulsory standard specification (the use and installation of standby and emergency power equipment) order, 2000 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 7 of the standards act the folowing order is hereby ma
The Standards Act
standards act the standard (declaration of standard specification) (canned ackee in brine) notice, 2000 in exercise of the power conferred upon the bureau of standards by section 7 of the standards act, the following notice is hereby given: ? 1. this n
The Standards Act
standard specification may be obtained from the bureau of standards whose address is 6 winchester road, p.o. box 113, kingston 10. dated this 8th day of february, 2000. a. s. henry, for and on behalf of bureau of standards. printed by jamaica printin
The Compulsory Standard Specification (Pneumatic Tyres for Vehicles Other Than Passenger Cars) Order, 2000
standards act the compulsory standard specification (pneumatic tyres for vehicles other than passenger cars) order, 2000 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 7 of the standards act, the following order is hereby made :? 1. th
The Compulsory Standard Specification (The Labelling of Commodities Part 29: Labelling of Products and Equipment Containing or Manufactured Using Ozone Depleting Substances and/or Their Substitutes) Order, 2000
standards act the compulsory standard specification (thz labelling of commodities part 29: labelling of products and equipm nt containing or manufactured using ozone depleting substances and or their substitutes) ornrr, 2000 in exercise of the power con
The Compulsory Standard Specification (The Labelling of Commodities Part 29: Labelling of Products and Equipment Containing or Manufactured Using Ozone Depleting Substances and/or Their Substitutes) Order, 2000
standard (the labelling of commodities part 29: labelling of products and equipment containing or manu- factured using ozone depleting sub:tinces and/or their substitutes) notice, 1999, to be a standard specification, is hereby declared to be a compulsor
The Standards (Declaration of Standard Specification) Animal Feeds: JS 71 (General [Revised]) Notice, 2000
standards act we the standards (declaration of standard specification) animal feeds: js 71 (general [revised]) notice, 2000 in exercise of the power conferred upon the bureau of standards by section 7 of the standards act, the following notice is hereby
The Standards (Declaration of Standard Specification) Animal Feeds: JS 71 (General [Revised]) Notice, 2000
standard specification may be obtained from the bureau of standards whose address is 6 winchester road, p.o. box 113, kingston 10. dated this 5th day of april, 2000. for and on behalf of john milne, bureau of standards. no. 2000 04 05 printed by jam
The Compulsory Standard Specification (Cocoa Powders and Dry Cocoa-Sugar Mixtures for Direct Consumption) Order, 2000
standards act the compulsory standard specification (cocoa powders and dry cocoa-sugar mixtures for direct consumption) order, 2000 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 7 of the standards act, the following order is hereby mad
The Compulsory Standard Specification (Cocoa Powders and Dry Cocoa-Sugar Mixtures for Direct Consumption) Order, 2000
standard (declaration of standard specification) (cocoa powders and dry cocoa-sugar mixtures for direct consumption) notice, 1999, to be a standard specification, is hereby declared to be a compulsory standard specification. dated this 17th day of april
The Standards (Declaration of Standard Specification) (Detection and Enumeration of Escherichia Coli) Notice, 2000
standards act the standard (declaration of standard specification) (detection and enumeration of escherichia coli) notice, 2000 in exercise of the power conferred upon the bureau of standards by section 7 of the standards act, the following notice is he
The Standards (Declaration of Standard Specification) (Hermetically Sealed Metal Cans for Food and Drink. Terms, Designations and Test Methods) Notice, 2000
standards act the standards (declaration of standard specification) (hermetically sealed metal cans for food and drink. terms, designations and test methods) notice, 2000 in exercise of the power conferred upon the bureau of standards by section 7 of th
The Compulsory Standard Specification (Jams, Jellies and Marmalades) Order, 2000
standards act the compulsory standard specification (jams, jellies and marmalades) order, 2000 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 7 of the standards act, the following order is hereby made: ? 1. this order may be cited as th
The Standards (Declaration of Standard Specification) Poultry Rations: JS 118) (Revision) Notice, 2000
standards act the standards (declaration of standard specification) (poultry rations: js 118) (revision) notice, 2000 in exercise of the power conferred upon the bureau of standards by section 7 of the standards act, the following notice is hereby given
The Standards (Declaration of Standard Specification) Poultry Rations: JS 118) (Revision) Notice, 2000
standard specification may be obtained from the bureau of standards whose address is 6 winchester road, p.o. box 113, kingston 10. dated this 24th day of april, 2000. a. s. henry, for and on behalf of bureau of standards. no. 11/2/229 no. 498 the stan