standard rate fa
The General Consumption Tax Act
standard rate fa} ) fd {a (¢) ju] and calculate the tax thereon. (yreer total of fo) te tive 1 (c} toline 17, (df to tine 138 {) une 29 overfeef, total {see mete chove} » l section d1 - gct that qualifies for credit ¥ you have exempt sales supp lies more
The General Consumption Tax Act
standard rate fa) {¢} @ fel in and cakulate the tax thareon. {transfer total of (a) to lime 16, fc) . ome 1, (d) to line 188 0) to line 19 overieof. i total (see note obove] 1 section c2 + agency activities for the retum penod: {a ®) premiums commissio