statutory income
The Income Tax ( Approved Forms) ( Amendment) Order, 2011
statutory income before donations (subtraci line 38fromlline33). . . . ............ 39 donations (please see notes forcalculation) . . . . cv ov iii il ee ee ee ees 40 statutory income after donations (subtract line 40 from line'39 - please see notes) .
The Income Tax ( Prescribed Forms) ( Amendment) Order,20111
statutory income before donations (subtraci line 38fromlline33). . . . ............ 39 donations (please see notes forcalculation) . . . . cv ov iii il ee ee ee ees 40 statutory income after donations (subtract line 40 from line'39 - please see notes) .
The Income Tax (Prescribed Forms) Amendment) Order, 2013
statutory income before donations (subtract line 38 from line 33). . ..... .139 donations (please see notes for calculation . . . . . 40 statutory income after donations (subtract line 40 from line 39) (please see notes) 141 section d - tax computation d