The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
strata ghana nigrita bicolor ghana nigrita canicapilla ghana nigrita fusconota ghana nigrita luteifrons ghana ortygospiza atricollis ghana parmoptila rubrifrons ghana pholidornis rushiae ghana pyrenestes ostrinus ghana pytilia hypogrammica ghana pytilia p
The Jamaica Export Free Zones (ACS Business Process Solutions (Jamaica) Limited) Order, 2014
strata lots 7, 8, 9, 10, i'l and 12 rka building and registered as follows: volume 1378 folios 73 strata lot no. 7 volume 1378 folios 74 strata lot no. 8 volume 1378 folios 75 strata lot no. 9 volume 1378 oo folios 76 strata lot no. 10 volume 1378 "folio
The Registration (Strata Titles) (Amendment) Regulations, 2015
strata titles) act the registration (strata titles) (amendment) regulations, 2015 ' _ in exercise of the powers conferred upon the minister by section 16 of the registration (strata . titles) act, and of every other power hereunto enabling, the followin
The Registration (Strata Titles) (Amendment) Regulations, 2015
strata titles) act the registration (strata titles) (amendment) regulations, 2015 in exercise of the powers conferred upon the minister by section 16 of the registration (strata titles) act, the following regulations are hereby amended, after consultati
The Provisional Collection of Tax ( Property Tax) Order, 2017
strata lots within the meaning of the registration (strata titles) act in relation to property tax payable on strata losts within the meaning of the registration (strata titles) act, the unimproved value in respect of which the rate of tax is applied on e
The Special Economic Zone (Ibex Global Jamaica Limited-Part of Knutsford Park now known as #6 Saint Lucia Avenue, New Kingston in the Parish of Saint Andrew, Expansion Order, 2019
strata lot numbered three on strata plan; strata lot numbered seven on strata plan and strata lot numbered nine) expansion order, 2019 2. all those parcels of lands known as lots 3, 7 and 9 registered at volume 1259, folio 5 (lot 3), volume 1259, folio 9
The Endangered Species (Protection, etc. Act - Environment
strata ghana nigrita bicolor ghana " nigrita canicapilla ghana nigrita fusconota - ghana nigrita luteifrons ghana ortygospiza atricollis ghana ?parmoptila rubrifrons ghana * pholidornis rushiae ghana pyrenestes ostrinus ghana pytilia hypogrammica ghana py
34 of 2013 - Registration (Strata Titles) (Amendment) Act
strata titles) act. [gic qecemtber, aca be it enacted by the queen?s most excellent majesty, byand with the advice and consent of the senate and house of representatives of jamaica, and by the authority of the same, as follows: ? 1. this act may be cite
34 of 2013 - Registration (Strata Titles) (Amendment) Act
strata titles) (amendment) [no. ] act, 2013 registered proprietor, any mortgagee or any other person whom the corporation has reason to believe may have custody of the duplicate certificate of title; and (d) the duplicate certificate of title is not pro
17_2009- The Registration (Strata Titles) (Amendment) Act
strata titles) act. [rq qwkeer 20, 20] i be it enacted by the queen?s most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the senate and house of representatives of jamaica, and by the authority of the same, as follows:? 1. this act may be cit
17_2009- The Registration (Strata Titles) (Amendment) Act
strata corporations established by section 3a; ?developer? means a person who carries on, whether in whole or in part, the business of development of land; ?functions? includes powers and duties; ?register? means the register of strata corporations kep
17_2009- The Registration (Strata Titles) (Amendment) Act
strata titles) (amendment) act, 2009 no. 1] register of strata corporations. audit of corporation by commis- sion. amount as the minister may, by order, prescribe; and (b) the commission is satisfied that it is reasonable to waive or reduce the fee pa
17_2009- The Registration (Strata Titles) (Amendment) Act
strata titles) (amendment) act, 2009 amendment 11. section 15 of the principal act is amended by renumbering of mincinal subsection (3) as subsection (4) and inserting the following as act. subsection (3)? [3 (3) where the corporation is satisfied tha