The Andean Development Corporation Agreement Act - Companies and Associations
subregion; bearing in mind that the declaration of bogotd created the mixed commission and other entities as organs for promotion, consultation and coordination of the policies which are to be adopted in the diverse subregional countries and advised on t
The Andean Development Corporation Agreement Act - Companies and Associations
subregion; to promote the attraction and mobilization of resources; in exercising the functions referred to in this and the preceding paragraph, the corporation shall te subject to the legal provisions of the countries in which said functions are exerci
The Andean Development Corporation Agreement Act - Companies and Associations
subregion, in accordance with the percentage referred to in paragraph 1, subparagraphs b, ¢, d, and e of article 5. chapter iii shareholder's assemblies article 11. shareholder?s assemblies the shareholders assemblies may be regular or special. they ar
The Andean Development Corporation Agreement Act - Companies and Associations
subregion. article 37. designation of personnel the designation of personne! shall be of the executive president's competence, who shall inform the board of directors at its next meet- ing of any action taken, as well as the powers, duties and remunerat
The Andean Development Corporation Agreement Act - Companies and Associations
subregion, provided that the proportion assigned to natural persons or private | legal entities stipulated in paragraph 1. e of article 5 is oo e * in the case of series ?a? shareholder withdrawal, the next regular shareholders? assembly shall adapt the