The Post Office (Postal Charges) (Amendment) Order, 2001
suda democratic republic of 60.00 . 24.00 40.00 40.00 suriname 40.00 24.00 40.00 30.00 swaziland 60.00 24.00 40.00 40.00 sweden 45.00 24.00 40.00 30.00 switzerland (including liechtenstein) 45.00 24.00 40.00 30.00 syrian arab republic 60.00 24.00 40.00 4
The Post Office (Postal Charges) (Amendment) Order, 2001
sudan 410.00 | 554.00] 707.00; 981.00 414.00 138.00 suriname 284.00 | 360.00] 441.00 579.00 324.00 108.00 swaziland 444.00 | 593.00 756.00]1,052.00 342.00 116.00 sweden 342.00 | 449.00) 572.00| 806.00 288.00 98.00 switzerland (including liechtenstein) 320
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
sudan; all other populations are not included in the schedules) rhea pennata (except rhea pennata pennata which is included in the second schedule) tinamus solitarius spheniscus humboldti podilymbus gigas diomedea albatrus pelecanus crispus papasul
The Endangered Species, Conservation and regulation of Trade) Act
sudan; all other populations are not included tn the appendices) tinamus solitarius pharomachrus mocinno alligator sinensis caiman crocodiles apaporiensis caiman latirostris (except the population of argentina, which is included in appendix ii) melan
The Post Office ( Postal Charges) ( Amendment) Order, 2010
sudan khartoum 180.00 1,100.00 360.00 1,090.00 1,480.00 1,880.00 2,610.00 suriname paramarido 120.00 860.00 280.00 760.00 960.00 1,180.00 1,540.00 swaziland manzini 180.00 910.00 300.00 1,180.00 1,580.00 2,010.00 2,800.00
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation and Regulation of Trade) Act (Amendment of Schedules) Order, 2015
sudan; all other populations are not included in the schedules) tinamiformes tinamidae tinamus solitarius tinamous trogoniformes trogonidae pharomachrus mocinno quetzals
The Passport Act
sudan, kingdom of swaziland, republic of tanzania, republic of uganda, republic of zambia, republic of zimbabwe, to exercise all of the functions that the minister is authorized by that act to exercise in jamaica. provided, however, that the power to ref