tax depa
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) (Public Bodies) Order, 2014
tax department education taxes general consumption p.a ye. 7,218,237.68 52,054,800.08 59,273,037.76 tax department gimme-me-bit edtax? 4,057.56 0.00 4,057.56 primary school education taxes ginger ridge edtax? 1,587.30 0.00 1,587.30 all-age education taxe
The Tac Collection (Approved Write-Off) (Public Bodies) Order, 2019
tax department of correctional services pave dec 2012 0.0 0.0 307,302,840.56 | 307,302,840.56 dec 2007; financial services dec 2008; riis paye commission jul to sept 0.0 0.0 50,965.91 50,965.91 2010 education ci 5 dec2011 | 10,328,121.60 0.0 4,864,290.61
40 of 2013 - Companies (Amendment) Act
tax depa: 19. would you like an officer from 20. 1 you have more than one place of business, state the number of ct c1] in order 0 explain your t ha obligstior *' [j ves tne 21. are your accounts computerised? 0 ves ono 0 rertly 22
The Land Development Duty Act
tax department, kingston. note: the instrument by means of which the transfer was effected, or agreed to be effected, should be attached to this form and sent along therewith. where such instrument is not available at the time of submission of this retur
The Stamp Duty Act
tax department, and when an error is made a line shall be drawn through the incorrect entry and the correct entry shall be made above. the officer making any correction shall place his initials against it. 12, the commissioner shall lodge every day to th
The Stamp Duty Act
tax department. 18. all dies and dating plugs shall be secured in the reserve chest under double locks with separate keys and such keys shall always be in the custody of different officers. 19. all spoiled or unusable stamps returned to the stamp duty a
The Stamp Duty Act
tax department authorized by him. (2) meters shall be set and sealed at such place and time and at such intervals as the commissioner may from time to time notify. (3) no meter in a franking meter device shall be set for denoting payment of stamp duties
The General Consumption Tax Act
tax department to cantact you in order to explam the gct act? 12, are your accounts compute.zed? [j ves civ [j yes one [j party . 13. directors or other senior officersypartiners individual trn date responsibility 1)name (l