The Customs (Prescribed Forms) (Amendment) Order. 2004.
tcc expiry data q dce? 9 bo blaws z [carrier/flight no. code =h 15110 type and number code psd ?=t - = 113] gar of lading/air waybsltdocument no ? marks nos and kinds of packages deas 17 [country of ongin code [48] country of consignment code de ey oo sre
The Customs (Prescribed Forms) (Amendment) Order. 2004.
tcc and expiry date other information 9. vessel name/flight no. 12. port of entry 10. dateof report + 13. no of packages (year/month/day) bl bill of lading/air waybill number/document 14. no of pages including c86 no. -? 15) list all items in this c