telecommunication convention
The Radio and Telegraph Control Act
telecommunication convention and the recommendations of the c.c.lr.; ?fixed service? means a service of radiocommunication between specified fixed points; ?fixed station? means a station in the fixed service; ?frequency tolerance? means the maximum per
The Radio and Telegraph Control Act
telecommunication convention and any bilateral or multilateral telecommunication agreement for the time being in force, to which jamaica is a party, and any pertinent regulation made under such convention or agreement. 17. any officer or sub-officer of t
The Radio and Telegraph Control Act
telecommunication convention. [the inclusion of this page is authorized by l.n. 4/1976]
The Radio and Telegraph Control Act
telecommunication convention? means the inter- national telecommunication convention signed in montreux on the 12th november, 1965, and the radio regulations and additional radio regulations in force thereunder, and includes any conventions or regulations